Daxis Flickr Photos

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by Jayelles, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    No surprise here. That's what mame's all about - unsupported slander against innocent victims. She thrives on off-the-wall, unresearched gossip/slander intended to hurt others.

    There is something really sick and evil about that.
  2. Barbara

    Barbara FFJ Senior Member

    I'm happy to know that she is where she belongs, posting where sick and evil is not only the norm, but a requirement at the BB
  3. cindysnow3

    cindysnow3 Member

    If Jameson would have looked at the date of the email that was sent, she would have noticed it was sent the month of May. If by any chance Tracey had even an inkling this was Karr, don't ya know "He" would have taken the credit for finding these type of photos. She knows they have cleared Karr and has no reason on this earth to bring another innocent family into this investigation. This is sooo totally WRONG! How many people have to be harmed before they do the justice in this investigation the correct way??
  4. No kidding Jayelles... sheesh, that is quite obviously not the same person. Everybody over at the swamp needs to go on a field trip to Lenscrafters.
  5. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    It's quite funny when you think about it :) The inability to perform even the simplest research in order to check out some very basic facts?
  6. Barbara

    Barbara FFJ Senior Member

    The latest update/spin to make herself look more credible is that those photos must be of Karr's friends to fool Tracey??? Yes, this is the spin. Karr wanted to make Tracey think the picture was of HIM to "test" him :stretch:

    Hell, I can't make this stuff up, but they sure have a knack at the BB. Of course, they do it poorly, but they still do it

    Not a brain between the lot of them. I cannot believe that they don't realize how stupid they seem to anyone reading there.

  7. Elle

    Elle Member

    I think I'm leaving the cropping alone, and I look forward to the news from the German Daxis. Someone has to have informed him about all of this, by this time (?). Can you imagine the uproar in this family when this becomes known. Even we are guilty of playing around with these photos. I would never put my family photos on any album on the net. No way!
  8. Tril

    Tril Member

    The Swamp Dwellers are always trying to stir up trouble for innocent people by trying to connect them to the case. Like Karr, members of JammyCo want to be players. Each wants to be considered as someone important, and to attain that status, they don't care how many innocent people they throw under the bus.

    I think :skank: and her ghouls (well, at least :skank: ) know very well there was no intruder.
  9. shannon1233

    shannon1233 Member

    Thread and Photos Removed

    Skank has removed her thread regarding the Daxis photos, but of course, has not appologized to Mr. Ulrich. Mr. Ulrich has also removed all his Halloween photos in order to prove to Skank he is not Karr.

    She loves to make public accusations, but refuses to appologize when proven wrong publicly. Her minions, of course, are not questioning the disappearing thread. Sick :loser:
  10. Elle

    Elle Member

    Thanks for the update Shannon. I think this Daxis was very wise in removing them.
  11. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    Yes she has actually removed the thread as opposed to just archiving it. An apology would have demonstrated a degree of integrity but as you say, jameson rarely apologises when does this kind of thing.
  12. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    Earlier this week, I watched a program called "9/11 Liars". It was about the people who made false insurance claims after 9/11.

    There was this one couple who got hundreds of dollars in insurance and could have gotten hundreds more when the husband claimed his wife had been killed when she went for a job interview at the twin towers. However they got caught out because although they had covered most bases, he hadn't placed an obituary in the local paper.

    Their crime was galling enough but what really made me sick was the fact that they are completely unrepentent about it. They served some time in prison but are out now and the camera crews filmed them going to look at their possessions which are in storage and they were mouthing off about how their good stuff wasn't there - they'd just been left with the garbage. All through the interviews, the wife wore a sneering smile at the cameras and they were practically blaming the insurance companies for "making it so easy". At the end, the wife (still wearing the sneering smile) said that they owed nothing to society because they'd done their time.

    You know, I can almost to some extent understand that there are people who might be tempted to make money from a scam like this - even although it's so completely dishonest. Some people are weak and give in easily to temptation. But the fact that this woman was so brazen and defiant and refused to acknowledge what a terrible thing they'd done just beggared belief.

    For THAT, I think she should rot in Hell (even more so that the crime itself)

    My point is - everyone can make mistakes, but it's how you deal with it thereafter that really counts. It's the ability to apologise or to accept responsibility for the wronful actions which show the true character.
  13. Barbara

    Barbara FFJ Senior Member

    Don't you just love the way threads "disappear" and they completely ignore the fact that most posters have saved their threads for future reference

    And Jay, you should know by now:

    Jameson makes no apologies
    Let the chips fall where they may :lier:
  14. sue

    sue Member

    I am pretty much speechless about this thread.
    How can these people continue to persecute innocent people?
    How can they continue to do this over and over and not learn a single $%*&!*&! thing from their mistakes?
    (oops, sorry, they don't see them as mistakes; just situations where the person that they targetted complied with their request to prove their innocence, but might still be the "guilty" person pretending to be innocent).

    I guess they got 'bus throwing' lessons from the best though.
  15. sue

    sue Member

    I see Jameson is selling her play in quantity now in one auction:
    From her feedback, it looks like she's only had 5 buyers since January though.
    Here's the description of her play and where the money will go:
    I pity the poor people who become the subject of her new project

    I do have some suggestions of what she might buy with the money:
    Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics
    No Crueler Tyrannies: Accusations, False Witness, and Other Terrors of Our Times

    I don't know if they have any books like:
    Truth for Dummies
    Basic Common Sense
    Introduction to Fact Finding

    but, if they do, she should buy those too.
  16. Moab

    Moab Admin Staff Member

    Why would anyone pay $100.00 for the same crap they can read for free on her forum?

  17. sue

    sue Member

    Well, on her forum, there are those inconvenient situations where someone questions the 'party line'.
    If you buy her play, you don't have to deal with any 'distractions' from the 'truth' and can just get on with having the 'truth' poured into your brain. :hourglass
  18. Barbara

    Barbara FFJ Senior Member

    When the members of the Kool Aid gang buy her book, it just plants another kiss where Jameson's sun don't shine and they might even get a free months membership :)

    She'll have them tithing next!
  19. LMFAO!!!
    She must have edited out the bit where she said part of money was going to Lou Smit to have lunch with potential witnesses/suspects. Haha!

    Now its going to "Colorado investigators"... well, they say they're investigating, and they are in Colorado...

    :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
  20. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    I once saw a play which mixed humour with an underlying seriousness. At tlhe interval I said to Hubby that I felt that the play was going to be about the death of a child and I was correct - although that wasn't revealed until the very end. It's not an appealing subject for entertainment and would start off with a limited potential audience.

    I think jameson will not sell many copies of her play. People have seen PMPT and they've read the newspapers and magazines, I doubt many will want to "live" it via the medium of theatre and plays are meant to be read aloud by different people so they aren't easy to read.

    Now if jameson wrote HER story - told the truth about her involvement with the Ramseys and Stine and Tracey and Smit...... I might be tempted to buy that. I doubt she could be trusted to tell the truth though, and I'm not really into fiction.
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