Why is Ramsey Running? Need all thoughts.

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by Tricia, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    Shoot me down

    for this, but I think that dabbling in politics might have been part of John's life plan anyway. It's often the next logical step for some successful businessmen. JonBenet's murder changed everything.

    I also think Patsy is made for the role of CEO wife/ politician's wife. She is charming and can talk to people and she loves the attention. These are pretty much the qualities such a woman needs to have. We all have favourite actors/singers/comedians and we love to watch them perform. Yet the other side of that is that these much loved stars just love to perform. They have huge egos and they like to be the centre of attention (most anyway). If they weren't like that, they wouldn't get up there and do it and we wouldn't get to enjoy the performances! So it's one thing to criticise someone for loving the limelight, but these are often the same people who can pull off a performance that gives others pleasure.

    Everyone has their niche. Politics is also an arena which can be a fairly level playing field. Here in Scotland, we have members of the aristocracy running for office alongside aggressive ex-jailbirds. Each appeals to a different set of people. I surmise that John wasn't having a lot of success making his way again in the business world and after 7 years he might have felt that he had little to lose by giving politics a bash. I also think that even if he doesn't get in, Patsy will have had the time of her life with the campaign. Probably John too.

    I do think that the Ramseys could have kept all they had if they'd behaved differently after JonBenet's murder. Devastated parents demanding polygraphs and camping out at the police station to help get the enquiry moving forward would have struck a chord with most people IMO. I think they would have become the darlings of the nation instead of America's most hated couple. I really do.
  2. 1000 Sparks

    1000 Sparks Active Member

    I think

    DejaN's "2. To exhonerate their public reputation" is the best one.

    I tried to put myself in his place (I said I tried) and that is the reason I think he is running.

    Getting on with their lives...we have nothing to be ashamed at or else I wouldn't be running...see, we are normal good people.

    Don't believe they thought JonBenet would be brought up like it has been or their foundation...
  3. Peki

    Peki Member

    Why indeed??

    Not a case expert like you all, just a lowly addict, but my thoughts go along the lines of trying to show their innocence. (show, not prove) I just think there are too many coincedences happening at this time. The timing of documentaries, dead suspects, and their friends, Fox lawsuit, etc. I think they are grasping at straws to somehow polish their public image, once again, and are hoping and praying that one of their latest theories or suspects will stick. Then they can say to the world.."See, we didn't do it!" Then they can truly move on with their lives in an arena where they will be in the limelight once again.

    There are many great ideas on this thread, and I agree with most of what is being put forth. Thanks to all of you for your hard work and efforts to bring this case to the forefront, and giving us addicts something to chew on every day!! :bowdown:

  4. Barbara

    Barbara FFJ Senior Member

    Every single response on this thread is feasible as the motive/exlanation of Mr. Ramsey's desire to run for office.

    I am also greatly forced to consider:

    When they lived in Boulder, they were VERY wealthy multi-millionaires. In Boulder, in that time, they could afford the likes of Haddon, et al, who in turn, could afford Hunter, et al. This was the reason the Ramseys, IMO, were allowed and afforded the privileges they received, totally unprecedented in any murder case before or since.

    They moved to Atlanta. Their bank accounts,while by no means destitute, was nothing near what it was in Boulder, affording them less and less privilege and in agreement with another poster, also left them out of the circles they would like to travel in. I think it was very disheartening to be shunned by the elite who felt they might be involved in the murder, in addition to not having the financial status necessary to buy the acceptance they, especially Patsy craves.

    So, although still well off financially, but not even close to the financial status they once had and would like to have again, the real focus is to achieve the "status" and be able to travel in the circles that can be useful to them

    Should the investigation ever get into the hands of competent law enforcement, OUTSIDE OF BOULDER, they are going to need all the help they can get. They no longer have the vast amounts of money required to do what they were able to do in Boulder. The next best thing is to make the connections and "friends in high places" they might need by running for office, trying to actually rub elbows with the right people who might be called upon later to influence others should the truth ever actually become exposed.

    It's a win-win situation for them. Patsy gets to rub elbows with politicians and travel within the circles so desired while also making the right kind of friends to "help" them should they ever require it for themselves or Burke.

    It's almost like a savings account. Make the friends in high places, if you can, and if they'll have you, and then later, should the law catch up with you, pull out your friends and hope for the best.
  5. JustinCase

    JustinCase Member


    Absolute Greed.

    Both John and Patsy Ramsey have maintained their innocence in a crime that only they remain suspects for, Patsy can't be eliminated as the note author but John was eliminated in early 1997 and since neither have made any real attempt to do anything to find their daughters killer; why else would they be so 'lazy' in their attempts? Because they know who the killer is.

    They can lie all they want and say "we will search for JonBenet's killer until we die" and they can literally say this until they die, but what causes me to see through their lies is their drive to succeed at anything; not just anyone decides to run for legislature, not in Michigan, not anywhere. They succeeded more than once in their lifetime and that's pretty rare for the average person, neither have succeeded in finding their childs killer.

    John had a hand in the growth of Access Graphics, but if we look back at news stories we are able to see that Access was the product of more than just one company that started in John Ramsey's garage on Northridge, infact I believe that particular endeavour failed and Patsy's father had to bail them out; if it hadn't been for Don Paugh's money maybe John and Patsy would still be living in Atlanta and JonBenet might even still be alive.
  6. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    Barbara, it's interesting that you bring up Patsy's penchant for hobnobbing with the wealthy and affluent in high places. I was rereading the Bonita papers last night, and I came across these very same comments - that Patsy would dump friends she considered beneath her social status and how she craved being part of high society. I think Patsy does have this need to rub shoulders with the upper crust, the more powerful, the better. She craves the attention, and she likes the things great wealth buys. I think she is angry that she has lost her perceived place in society and that there is not an endless supply of money coming in, anymore. I think she believes she is entitled to be admired by her peers, and she will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. I also think John Ramsey is a snob, as well.
  7. Barbara

    Barbara FFJ Senior Member

    Patsy also believes, although truly far fetched as far as I'm concerned, that she is Jackie Kennedy material. Never gonna happen Patsy! She wants to be Jackie, or Hillary, or Laura Bush. She can see herself in that role. In my opinion, she can't even fit into the Monica Lewinsky role.

    Something else that I think of: If Burke wasn't doing all that well in Atlanta, having a father in politics might just help him get into the college of John's choice in Michigan, should his grades/behavior/social skills be a problem getting into a college. Just speculating, but a real possibility.
  8. zoomama

    zoomama Active Member

    I have a second thought

    After reading this whole thread and since several of you have mentioned Rammers motives as related to Burke I have this thought. Harsh as it may seem I don't believe for one nano second that the Ramseys have done anything for Burke! OH yes, I know about the law suits in his name but that was really for them. I have always thought that Burke was the forgotten child in that family while there were 2 children. Now that he is the only one I don't believe that they pay much attention to him. And it has been hinted that he does have some problems, be it social and/or scholastic. I hope not but how can he help it?

    Look back at the day of the murder. Burke was whisked away so fast from that house and away from LE. Why? He was sent off to someone's house and away from his parents. Why? I would have wanted him as close to me as possible at all times during that terrible time. Yes, I know why. He wasn't to talk to LE or the press. And as far as I know now I dont' think he has, except at the Grand Jury. Very soon he will be 18. I wonder what will happen then. Will we hear from him? See him more? Know about how he is doing? Maybe a TV interview will be in the works for some big bucks for his Parents. (on LKL no doubt) Just some rambling thoughts here. None of this helps us to know just why John Ramsey is running for a seat in the State Legislature. Well, he does need a job! Could it be that simple?
  9. JustChillun

    JustChillun Member

    I just know that if a person from a (perceived) dfferent level of the social strata was to have two children die before their times, for WHATEVER reasons, that would put up a red flag for Social Servises anywhere in the US.

    I also wonder if they don't have some sort of penance that they perceive they have to pay (to society?), thus buttering their bread on both sides, i.e., petting the egos and at the same time, making some "sacrifice" while paying their social dues, sort of like how offenders have to do community service as a part of their sentence.
    :lamb: :lamb: :lamb: :lamb: :lamb: :lamb: :lamb:
  10. Mandarin

    Mandarin Member

    If John Doesn't Get In ...

    I wonder what the Rams will do for an encore, if John fails in his attempts at political power.

    Might we see them in one of the next reality shows .... I honestly would not put anything past them.

    I thought that, FINALLY, they were prepared to sit quietly in the background, especially when they had spouted over and over that they had been constantly maligned by the media and the public.

    So their only option, if politics fails is a "Surreality Show" - you know it might not be that far-fetched. They do seem to have a penchant for seeking out the spotlight.

    I also wonder what good ole Lyn Wood has up his sleeve, and if he isn't somehow behind John's grab for power, money and status.

    This all has the proverbial stench of trying to pour a lot of perfume on the pig.

  11. Deja Nu

    Deja Nu Banned

    JustChillun, just noticed this. What a hoot! :booty:
  12. Show Me

    Show Me FFJ Senior Member

    Probably a 'cancer' associated reality type tv show Mandarin. Patsy's a much better speaker than John, and can lie with a straighter face if she'd quit blinking so much.

    No way John and Patsy can stay out of the limelight...it's their drug, their fix. The need for attention is acute....DOI is full of it. I've seen nearly all posters, who thought the Ramsey's innocent, after reading DOI, come to conclusion the Ramsey were involved in the murder.
  13. Greenleaf

    Greenleaf FFJ Senior Member

    If John loses the election

    Then what? (A question posed by a previous poster)

    He is not dumb. He knows he cannot win. However, his loss will provide fodder, for himself and Patsy, to cling anew, onto the wasteland of sympathy they feed upon. His run, in his mind (I do believe) raises his tarnished image to a veneer of respectability.

    Plus, something else, I do not believe anyone here has touched upon:

    By running for public office, John KNOWS that the media will probably run some scathing articles, and say some scathing, perhaps erroneous things, about him. Bingo! Law suits in the making, with old Woody, chasing close behind; with the ghost of Richard Jewel, and big bucks motivating him, all the way to the bank.

    Am I being facetious? No, indeed! The Rams’ modus operandi has emerged, plain and simple, for all with an eye to see and a mind to reason. We are not dealing with people of great substance here. We are dealing with people who have turned a blind eye to their own guilt. They do not want to remember. It is too painful. They just want all this (and all of us) to go away. In the meantime (to the public at large) “SHUT UP!â€

    It is none of our business. "Get a life! Eat cake!"

    Well, Johnny Boy, we will never go away. That is something you can take to the bank. And, as for the likes of Woody, Carnes and Keenan (and there are many others) they are making historical records, of the most unflattering kind; leaving legacies, that their descendants, no doubt, will view with shame. They are joining the ranks of many others, including Hunter, Koby and jams.

    What a read this case will be, when it is finally written! History will, I believe, view our little Forum here, most favorably. That is due, in large part, to the efforts of our wonderful and selfless Moderators. However, the Posters here are the hearts and souls of this daily sleuthing dialogue; knowledgeable, bold, aggressive and sympathetic. We are the bulldogs of justice; biting and clinging onto the legs of murderers and abusers of our littlest citizens; preventing them from walking with assurance, or running for or to anything.

    So, in conclusion: Run John, run. Yes, run to the nearest police station and turn yourself in. Bring along your comrade in arms and your toothbrush. Until then, the jaws of justice will stay firmly clamped around your glossy façade.

  14. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    If Ramsey doesn't win, which I sure hope he doesn't, he will probably blame Tricia for his loss and Wood will start foaming at the mouth again.

    Too bad, so sad - Ramsey's now more of a public figure than he's ever been, and he did it all himself.
  15. Elle

    Elle Member

    Excellent post Greenleaf!

    Thoroughly enjoyed your very wise excellent post, Greenleaf! More, please!
  16. Whippler

    Whippler Member

  17. JustinCase

    JustinCase Member

    I thought Greanleaf's post was really great, especially this part:
    I would just like to add that John and Patsy Ramsey no only attack others to direct attention from their current and long standing status as suspects, they also attack when they know things aren't going well; here we are just a little while until the Aug. 3rd primary.

    They've been out of the news for weeks until a "smear campaign" is devised and poor Jeff Garfield is the victim of their latest attack, I loved Mr. Garfields response to Ramseys revealling of his 30 year old Cocaine charge:

    "Mr. Ramsey should clean up his own backyard before he goes digging in mine."

    What a soldier!!

    Patsy's WAAAAAYYY to much of a feature in John's campaign, it's nice that she's doing a whole lot but really? Who's running? Her constant presence just further proves her desire to be in the spotlight, does Jeff Garfields wife follow him wherever he goes if TV cameras will be present?
  18. zoomama

    zoomama Active Member

    Justin Case,

    Good point. However the family that murders together stays together! What else does Patsy have to do. No more pagents to go to. Ya know that reminds me...wouldn't you think that even in that area of her life Patsy could have done some real good by helping other little girls with those very beauty pagents in memory of JonBenet...or have one named for her or something. But no! it has been all about them.
  19. Elle

    Elle Member

    Posts with unusual points of view

    I liked a lot of what Greenleaf had to say. I like coming across posts with different points of view. Especially those "out of the ordinary." Voyager also posted a very unusual post just recently. These posts seem to stand out, for me. They differ from the general over-all view of the case. I enjoy all of the posts here, of course, but now and then I come across a post that makes me think in an entirely different way. This, I like!
  20. JustinCase

    JustinCase Member


    I love it!! I just have one minor adjustment to add -
    "the family that slays together stays together!"

    It's strange that Patsy's not displaying her usual 'out-do everyone' attitude about keeping JonBenet's memory alive, and having one named for her definately would be something that Patsy could have had done, she was a huge contributor to the Miss WV pageant so many years after she won the title.

    Even while JonBenet was alive Patsy could have contributed to the other little girls families who were struggling, if she wasn't so competetive she could have really done some good for people who deserve it; instead she belittled any other little girl she saw as competition to JonBenet, including Daphne White.
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