The Ramsey's own words

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by rashomon, May 22, 2006.

  1. The Punisher

    The Punisher Member

    Maybe so.
  2. rashomon

    rashomon Member

    "The kids went to bed"?
    Is that mere impreciseness of speech or another of John's many slip-ups?

    For of a child already asleep, would one say she "went" to bed?
    The way John phrases it conveys both children were awake and then went to bed.
  3. rashomon

    rashomon Member

    Burke's bombshell statement

    S. Thomas says in his book that Burke, when interviewed by Dan Schuller in 1998, stated that JonBenet had been awake when they got home and that she walked up the stairs. (ST, hb p. 317)

    Have the Ramseys ever been confronted in one of their interviews with that statement by Burke?
    If not, I can't understand why.
    For if what ST said is true, this would blow the Ramseys' story apart, In short, that statement by Burke is an evidentiary bombshell.

    Does anyone know whether in other interwiews (before 1998), Burke also stated JonBenet was awake?
    When was Burke first asked about this?
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2008
  4. Elle

    Elle Member

    Asked the same question two years ago!

    Laying the Foundation For Borg Mentality <TABLE class=tborder id=post120659 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead id=currentPost>September 12, 2006, 12:34 pm, Tue Sep 12 12:34:39 CDT 2006 Post #43<!-- / status icon and date -->

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    FFJ Senior Member

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    <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Quote:
    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Tricia
    I too blame Burke's parents for people speculating that he had something to do with it.

    I honest to God, don't know which one did it. I know Patsy wrote the note.

    Many people argue, like my hubby, that Burke being the killer is the only thing that makes sense. The only reason why the parents have stuck together.

    Now that Burke is 18 unfortunately, thanks to his parents, there will be speculation about his involvment.

    I put the blame for this, be it true or not, right on his parent's lying shoulders.


    What I would like to know is why Burke's statement of seeing JonBenét walk up the stairs in front of her mother after returning from the White's party on Christmas night, 1996, was not taken into consideration by LE? Both Ramseys stated it was John Ramsey who carried her up to bed? His parents are calling him a liar, and vice versa (?). We never hear anything about these lies being straightened out. It's frustrating!
    <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________
    elle: The RST can't handle the truth!
    Just my opinion.

  5. AMES

    AMES Member

    I too, have wondered why there was no follow up on Burkes statement. I read where ST said that HE thought that Burke was mistaken. I don't know how that could be though. How does a nine year old confuse being awake and walking up the stairs (I read somewhere that Burke said that JB even helped to carry in presents), to already being asleep and his dad carrying her in. I could see maybe a one year old, being confused by that...but a NINE year old? Asleep being carried in, or awake walking in by herself...they are two totally different things. Hey, I take that back about the one year old...even a ONE year old would know the difference between those two things. I really and truly think that this is the main piece to this puzzle. (A puzzle that when all of the pieces are put in of John and Patsy Ramsey).
  6. rashomon

    rashomon Member

    I too find it incredible that LE didn't make use of this evidentiary bombshell statement by Burke to get the Ramseys with their back up against the wall.
    Here we have an EYEWITNESS completely contradicting a pivotal part suspects' story - what more do you need?? And what did the investigators do with that statement: obviously NOTHING!

    ST, hb, p. 317:
    Burke interviewed by Dan Schuller (probably in 1998, since the book it says Burke was eleven years old at that time)
    "He said that his sister fell asleep in the car when they got home but awakened to help carry presents into the house of a friend. When they got home, JonBenet walked in slowly and went up the spiral stairs to bed, just ahead of Patsy."

    Do there exist other sources besides ST's book which mention this interview and Burke's statement?
  7. DeeDee

    DeeDee Member

    One of the reasons why LE never followed up on BR's statement was that they were never allowed to interview him again. JR had gotten lawyers for all the Rs separately, including BR, his two older children and his ex-wife.
    So after that, they were given ONLY PR and JR's version (an asleep JBR carried into the house). I don't recall if the were able to find out which friend's house JBR had helped carry gifts into, and if they did, were they able to interview that "friend", and if they did that, did the "friend" tell the truth. There are a lot of variables there.
    If LE had said to the Rs that their son mentioned his sister woke up and carried gifts to a friend's house, and walked into the house that night it may not help anyway. They would simply brush it off by saying BR was sleepy himself and doesn't remember clearly. After all, they lied about his being awake for the 911 call, later admitting that he did not remain asleep all night until awoken by his father for the trip to the White's. BR has said that he WAS awake and heard "loud talking". Later, the Rs admit that they told him to go back to bed an stay there.
  8. rashomon

    rashomon Member

    But unlike the Ramseys, Burke testified at the grand jury, and no doubt Kane & Co MUST have asked im about this, and could have used his statement against the Ramseys. I'm not sure if it was at the GJ in in another interview where Burke said he "couldn't remember" whether or not JonBenet ate pineapple after the family arived home. Such a statement also points to Burke knowing she had been awake, fos if she was put to bed asleep, of course she could technically not have eaten anything.
  9. Elle

    Elle Member

    The Police Files PB Page 36 - 37

    Detective Tom Trujillo interviewing Patsy (April 30, 1997)

    TT: About what time did you get home from the White's that night?

    PR: Well, we stopped a couple of places on the way home to drop off Christmas gifts.

    TT: Okay

    PR: By the Walkers (Stuart and Roxie Walker) and the Stines (Glen and Susan Stine... and I imagine it was about nine-ish, something like that.
  10. Elle

    Elle Member

    The Police Files - PB -Page 106

    Detective Tom Trujillo interviews John Ramsey (April 30, 1997)

    TT: I'm going to go right to December 25th. When was it you guys left the White's house that night?

    JR: It was probably 8:30 p.m., quarter to nine when we left as I recall. So we probably got home about nine-ish, 9:15... drove in the back through the alley in the garage. JonBenét had fallen fast asleep. I carried her inside and put her in bed, put her on the bed. Uh, Patsy came up behind me, and then I went down to get Burke ready, he was down in the living room working on a toy he got, putting it together. I tried to get him to go to bed because we had to get up early the next morning, but he wanted to get this toy put together, So I worked with him on that for 10, 15 minutes probably, and then I took him up upstairs and got his pajamas on, probably brushed his teeth, and then I went upstairs from there and got ready for bed. I read a little bit. The lights went out around ten-thirty-ish or 10:40.

    N.B. John is not talking about reading to Burke here. He's reading himself in bed (italics mine)
  11. AMES

    AMES Member

    What Burke says is totally credible...look at the part where he describes HOW JB walked in..."SLOWLY". That would make sense, if she had of been so tired that she fell asleep in the car, and had of just woke up when they arrived home. I remember DR. PHIL said that the way that he knew that the book that OJ wrote, "IF I DID IT" was really a because of all of the adjectives that he used. He said that only a person that had been there and had actually saw what was happening would use adjectives. OJ even went so far as to describe a dog, that he saw that was quickly wagging his tail (instead of just wagging his tail). Burke was telling the truth...and was not confused on this one...IMO.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2008
  12. AMES

    AMES Member

    Well, even ST said that he believed that Burke was CONFUSED. I don't know WHY he said that, though.
  13. AMES

    AMES Member

    Well, I find it strange that they BOTH say that they arrived home around nine-ish. Sounds rehearsed to me. Just like the comment about PW and the cracked crab. The sentence that they gave (seperately) about it being odd that PW saved a plate of cracked crab for JB....was IDENTICAL. I copied and pasted both portions of their interviews on a thread here. The words were EXACTLY the same. It was TOTALLY rehearsed. Nevermind the fact that John ASKED PW to save JB a plate of cracked crab, so it wasn't odd at all. I want to add that they not only both called it odd, but the whole sentence that they gave about it was identical to each others.
  14. Elle

    Elle Member

    Yes, I noticed this too, Ames and I thought the same "rehearsed." You can practically hear John and Patsy discussing what they're going to say when asked this-n-that question.
  15. rashomon

    rashomon Member

    Patsy's remark about the nylon cord

    It seems that Patsy, somewhere during the course of one of her interviews, pretty much out of the blue, made some remark about the need to heat the nylon rope to keep it from frazzling.
    But the person who told me this doesn't remember exactly in which interview it was. He is pretty sure it came from the book, "Police Files", and has the memory that the remark is on the right side page and about an inch or so from the bottom in the paperback.
    Since I don't have the book, TIA for any help in digging up what Patsy said about the cord.

    For from what experience did Patsy know that nylon cord frazzles? Why was it on her mind and prompted her to make this remark?
    It seems there was no was no question that called for an answer, or for any remark like this.

    A while ago, I bought a perlon cord (I coudn't find nylon cord anywhere but perlon comes pretty close), and the first thing which struck me about it was how easily it frazzles when cut.
    Even when neatly cut with scissors, it frazzles immediately.

    But if I had never handled the cord myself, I would have no idea about this fact.

    So if Patsy commented on the frazzling of nylon cord, this leaves no doubt that she had handled nylon cord before, and chances are it was the one used at the crime scene. I think when she left the cord ends frazzled at the crime scene, this probably stuck in her mind.

    And what's more, the housekeeper Linda Hofmann-Pugh even recognized the cord, saying that Patsy kept it in a basement drawer!
    No wonder the Ramseys and their lawyers quickly intervened to stop LHP from publishing her own book on the case.

    Imo had it come to trial, LHP's testimony would have been very detrimental for Patsy. Not only did she know a lot of things about her (housekeepers always do :)), she could also have offered valuable info re forensic evidence like e. g.the nylon cord.

  16. Elle

    Elle Member

    Off the top of my head rashomon, I do remember reading about Patsy talking about John Ramsey sealing the end of the rope/cord for his boat. when she was going through an interview.
  17. koldkase

    koldkase FFJ Senior Member

    It's from Patsy's interview with Haney in '98, but she's asked about the ROPE found in JAR's room, not cord:

    By the way, if you read closely in this line of questioning of the interview, you see how we got lots of DISINFORMATION from staged pictures in the tabs and RST LIES: there was no PAPER BAG brought in by any INTRUDER in which the ROPE WAS FOUND. We heard that for YEARS and YEARS, and in fact, SMIT TOLD CARNES THAT LIE, and SHE BOUGHT IT and tied it to PAPER BAG FIBERS ON THE BODY AND IN THE BODY BAG! But alas, JonBenet's hands and feets were BAGGED WITH PAPER BAGS by the ME/LE, as is standard procedure, so THAT was a lie; and the PAPER BAG WITH THE ROPE IN IT actually was LE's OWN paper bag, in which they put the rope, and the rope was in found in a duffle type bag in JAR's room BY THE CHAIR, not under the bed--another bit of DISINFORMATION we got as EVIDENCE of an intruder COMPLIMENTS OF THE RST.
  18. Elle

    Elle Member

    That's it KK. Thank you. I was in the middle of a search. Now I can stop. :) Yes the RST were in charge of confusion.
  19. koldkase

    koldkase FFJ Senior Member

    Oh, sorry Elle. You posted while I was looking it up. You take the next one! :highfive:
  20. AMES

    AMES Member

    LHP believes that Patsy is the killer. I posted a thread about that here, awhile back.
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