Delmar's Letter to Keenan

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by Watching You, Jun 8, 2003.

  1. Elle

    Elle Member


    WY said: The only thing that might turn this around is exposure - the exposure that the governor will not correct a great wrong in the investigation of this case by Keenan. Get the Ramsey supporters off the investigation - that means not only Smit and now Douglas but Mary Keenan herself. A fair and balanced, not to mention unbiased investigation cannot take place until there are fair, balanced, and unbiased investigators on the case.

    He may just take the same route he took in October, 1999.

    Governor decides against special prosecutor in Ramsey murder
    October 27, 1999 Web posted at: 3:49 p.m. EDT (1949 GMT)

    DENVER (CNN) -- Colorado Gov. Bill Owens announced Wednesday that he would not appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the death of JonBenet Ramsey.

    At a press conference in Denver, Owens praised District Attorney Alex Hunter for "turning the case around," and said he felt the case was now in the hands of the right people and was finally "targeting the right suspects."

    But Owens acknowledged the initial handling of the investigation was "far from perfect" and said that would make the case harder to prove in court.

    He also had a message for what he referred to several times as the "murderers": "You only think you have gotten away with murder."

    I hope he had the Ramseys in mind when he said this (?).
  2. EasyWriter

    EasyWriter FFJ Senior Member

    Although I have not read much of it in later years, in my early
    teens, William Shakespeare became my favorite writer. His
    insights into the human psyche are timeless and without peer.

    During my study of the Ramsey case, echoes of Shakespeare were
    never far away:

    "The first thing we do let's kill all the lawyers." --II Henry
    VI, IV:2

    Does it not fit your own emotions in present day when you think
    Lin Wood? :)

    "[He] speaks an infinite deal of nothing, more than any man in
    all Venice. His reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in two
    bushels of chaff: you shall seek all day ere you find them; and
    when you have them, they are not worth the search."
    --William Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice

    Is there a better description of the verbiage of the RST?

    "Glory is like a circle in the water, / Which never ceaseth to
    enlarge itself / Till by broad spreading it disperse to nought."
    --William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part I

    I leave this for you to apply as you wish.

    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
    --William Shakespeare, Hamlet

    Does this ring a bell? How about the CNN appearance just six days
    after the death of JonBenet? Or emphatic disassociation from the
    note, and from the pineapple? Or the repeated stories of panic,
    distress, to "explain" their action and lack of recall? To list
    a hundred would be easy. However, it is not necessary because you
    already know of that which I speak.

    Shakespeare predicted it all a long time ago.
  3. Adrian Monk

    Adrian Monk Member

    The angle in which my mind slants is a documentary (rich in special effects) called "Walking With Cavemen" hosted by Alec Baldwin (I won't comment on the irony of that choice of host!)

    Anyway, it struck me, almost like a ton of bricks, that here we are as modern as we think we are, as far advanced above the early hominids as we boast, and we STILL have Lin Wood types defending the killers of children.

    We may as well not have advanced at all, if our minds are still focused on such tribal loyalties over what is right.

    It's dinging Patsy's tune.
  4. Elle

    Elle Member


    To be, or not to be, that is the question:
    Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
    And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep—
    No more; and by a sleep to say we end
    The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
    That flesh is heir to; ’tis a consummation
    Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
    To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there’s the rub:

    I would say you took arms against a sea of troubles, Delmar, when you wrote your terrific letter to D.A. Mary Keenan.
  5. Niner

    Niner Active Member

    First off - GREAT posts everyone!! Excellent - in fact! I really hope something comes of this letter and the 'new' investigation. After 6 1/2 years - SOMETHING HAS to give!!

    wasn't there JonBenet's hair found on/in the dumbwaiter? I thought I heard that in the beginning of this case. What if JonBenet was trying to hide from Patsy and the door of the dumbwaiter slammed down on her head? just a thought!:rolleyes:
  6. Niner

    Niner Active Member

    another thought - maybe PR pulled up that chair to sit and think 'what' she was going to do after the 'accident' ??
  7. Niner

    Niner Active Member

    but what about those fibers found on JonBenet that come from the sham/pillow/blanket IN the suitcase? where would those fit in??:-(
  8. Niner

    Niner Active Member

    and WHO is the last person 'seen' by the Ramseys ?? - Susan Stine - hmmmmm..... sum think not right here....
  9. EasyWriter

    EasyWriter FFJ Senior Member


    quote: WY & Delmar: "What about the suitcase?" Incidental, meaningless - except for Smit waving it into his intruder fantasy.

    Yes, that's my call.

    "but what about those fibers found on JonBenet that come from the
    sham/pillow/blanket IN the suitcase? where would those fit in??

    I have not studied this area sufficiently to feel qualified to provide a feasible answer. Even if I studied the area at length, that is no assurance of answer either. However, I can say with certainty, whatever the answer to your question, it has nothing to do with an intruder.
  10. Niner

    Niner Active Member

    Delmar - thank you for your answer! I too don't believe it has ANYTHING to do with an intruder either!:D

    as they say - I'm BORG!! :devil:
  11. Elle

    Elle Member

    Blow to JonBenét's head


    I have always thought Patsy Ramsey was in a rage with JonBenét on Christmas Eve. According to one of Patsy's friends, Pam Griffin, Patsy told her she wakened JonBenét at midnight every night to make her go to the bathroom and avoid wetting the bed. Patsy's mother Nedra Paugh said that JonBenét would scream blue bloody murder if she was dragged out her bed, so
    hypothetically, Patsy could have done exactly just that; hauled JB out of her bed kicking and screaming, and JB tried to run away.

    Patsy could have shoved her into the tub or the toilet as many of us think and the blow to her head could have knocked her out.
    JonBenét may have still been alive and Patsy thought she was dead; therefore the staging began.

    I don't recall anything about JonBeneét's hair on the dumbwaiter. Do you have a source for this?
  12. EasyWriter

    EasyWriter FFJ Senior Member

    When I first looked into the Ramsey cases in March of 2000, it
    was over three years after the violent death of JonBenet. When I
    looked at the highly visible evidence or Ramsey guilt, I found it
    most difficult to believe that a search was still on for an

    The incompetence of this "thinking" is not only frustrating and
    annoying, it is downright dangerous. The unknown as "evidence"
    combined with the mental inventions called evidence of an
    intruder set a condition of peril for anyone in range of these
    accusatory absurdities. The ability to ignore actual evidence and
    invent "evidence" to avoid placing culpability on the Ramseys
    where it belongs carries with it the mentality to accuse another
    on the imagined evidence.

    Although the Ramseys and others named many "suspects", all were
    so far removed that not even the RST could make the stretch to
    arrest and convict anyone. If arrest and conviction of an
    innocent person in this case seems like a remote possibility, I
    remind you of the Carnes' decision in a civil suit. This decision
    was made on fallacy. It doesn't take much of a stretch to imagine
    that given anything close to an opportunity, there was and is a
    real danger that an innocent person could be wrongly convicted of
    JonBenet's death on the same fallacies. There are some so
    dedicated to this objective that six and a half years later
    official action is still being taken on fallacies to find some
    fall guy to take the blame and officially exonerate the Ramseys.

    In March of 2000, if was easy to see why no intruder had been
    found. At that time, it was easy to predict that no amount of
    money and effort would ever find an intruder\killer. It is easy
    to make that same prediction again without equivocation. Still,
    the farce goes on. How much longer can they hope to sustain the
    fraud when over six years of effort with an expenditure of around
    $2,000,000 has failed to produce a single item of evidence of an
    intruder to support and justify this action and expenditure?
  13. Elle

    Elle Member


    My guess is they'll either pin it on Bill McReynolds; he can't talk back from the dead; Randy Simons, JB's photographer or the pedophile who lived along the lane from the Ramseys. His name escapes me. In fact he may well be the best bet (?).
  14. Thor

    Thor Active Member

    Delmar's second letter to Keenan

    Posted by permission of Delmar England

    June 18, 2003

    Mary Keenan, Boulder District Attorney
    Justice Center
    1777 Sixth Street (Sixth St. and Canyon Blvd.)
    Boulder, CO 80302

    Re: Ramsey Case, Article by Todd Hartman, Rocky Mountain
    News. (June 13, 2003)

    Dear Ms. Keenan,

    Assuming the article named above is accurate reporting, it
    is more than somewhat disconcerting. My letter to you dated
    May 20, 2003 was made up of specific identification of items
    of evidence, recorded testimony and definitive arguments.
    It contained an offer to back up my arguments with further
    evidence and demonstration, and in a court of law if
    necessary. All of the evidence, recorded testimony and
    definitive arguments point unequivocally toward Ramsey
    guilt. I openly invited challenge to my conclusions. I
    received no response.

    On the other side of the equation, not only have the many
    claims of evidence of an intruder failed to produce a single
    viable suspect outside of the Ramsey household, every
    argument claiming intruder evidence was refuted as faulty in
    method and content. Additionally, those claiming evidence
    of an intruder, including yourself, have repeatedly refused
    to subject claims of intruder evidence to questioning.

    In spite of all this, in spite of the fact you cannot refute
    any of the facts and arguments in the letter, in spite of
    the fact you looked directly at evidence of Ramsey guilt,
    apparently, you intend to ignore it all and continue down
    the same road of fallacy and fraud that has been going on
    for over six years.

    Are you sure this is a wise decision? Placating the Ramsey
    crowd may be viable in temporary political expediency, but
    this action opposed to truth may well have dire long run
    consequences. Think about it.

    "On Monday, Keenan announced that retired Arvada detective
    Tom Bennett, 55, would join the team June 23. Bennett, a
    highly regarded veteran, will work from 20 to 40 hours a
    week on the case, Keenan said."

    Since I know little about Mr. Bennett, he is excluded from
    comments and questions. However, the act itself of hiring
    Mr. Bennett tells me you have chosen to disregard evidence
    in hand more than sufficient for prosecution. Evidently, you
    intend to continue with the pretense of searching for an
    intruder. Your selection of the "investigative team" leaves
    no doubt of this.

    "The district attorney's office has also consulted with FBI
    analyst John Douglas, ...."

    "If there's something we could use his expertise on, we
    won't hesitate to call him," Keenan said."


    "I know who didn't do it: the parents," Douglas told Salon."

    Just how does Mr. Douglas arrive at this conclusion?

    "... The sum of money, $118,000, is so unique, because that
    was nearly the exact amount of bonus money that John Ramsey
    received that year. Very few people would have known that.
    Patsy Ramsey herself didn't know that figure."

    How does Mr. Douglas know that Patsy Ramsey didn't know
    about the bonus figure? He doesn't. He simply takes her word
    for it. Does this sound familiar? If not, allow me to
    refresh your memory.

    Smit: "And you know that you have said that you didn't do
    that, and I am going to take you at your word. We know you
    are a Christian, John, and would you swear to God that you
    didn't do this?"

    John Ramsey: "I swear to God that I didn't do it."

    There you have it. The extent of the Smit\Douglas
    "expertise" and "investigation" of the evidence as it
    relates to the Ramseys comes down to "I am going to take
    your at your word." In short, none at all.

    Let's paraphrase in interrogatory for clarity:

    Smit\Douglas: John and Patsy, did both of you or either of
    you have anything to do with the death of JonBenet and what
    was found at the crime scene?

    John\Patsy: No. You have our word on it.

    Smit\Douglas: OK, that's good enough. From here on out, we
    will look for an intruder. If the evidence appears to point
    toward you, we know this can't be right, so we will
    attribute it to an intruder.

    What has been the consequence of this kind of "thinking?"

    "To give you some perspective of the enormity of this
    investigation and the effort that has been put forth in
    solving this case, let me give you some statistics. Since we
    began our investigation in December, 1996, we have formally
    interviewed 590 people, some more than once; we have
    utilized 64 outside experts and consultants; we have
    investigated 68 people as possible suspects, plus an
    additional 54 convicted sex offenders as possible suspects;
    we have logged 1,058 items of evidence into property; over
    500 pieces of evidence have been tested through federal,
    state and private labs; we conducted the investigation in 17
    states; we have received approximately 3,400 letters and 700
    phone tips; and we have spent approximately 22,000 hours
    investigating the case." (Beckner)

    In direct contradiction, Mr. Wood says:

    "The Boulder Police Department has failed to make progress,
    Wood said, because it "focused on the Ramseys from almost
    the first day of the investigation to the exclusion of an
    unbiased, thorough investigation of all other possible
    suspects." (Rocky Mountain News, December 21, 2002)

    Reality is the flip side of Wood's fallacious nonsense.
    Namely, spending all the time and money NOT FOCUSING UPON
    THE EVIDENCE pointing to the Ramseys and chasing "Smit's
    myths" is precisely the reason "The Boulder Police
    Department has failed to make progress."

    Since you appear to have failed to notice the evidence of
    which I spoke in my previous letter, perhaps, some repeating
    will remedy the oversight.

    "On the morning of Dec. 26, 1996, a 911 call from Patsy
    Ramsey prompted the police to go to the Ramsey house. The
    first thing they were shown was a multi-page "ransom note."
    Everything about the note made it strongly suspect,
    including the fact it was written on a pad and with a pen
    connected to the Ramsey household. Figuratively speaking,
    this put up a billboard-size flashing neon sign reading:
    FOR MORE."

    "With the correct reading of the "garrote" as nervous,
    amateurish bungling, the probability of a staged crime scene
    was laid to rest. It was a staged crime scene without a
    logical doubt."


    Ms. Keenan, is it your argument that it was not a staged
    crime scene, or that the staged crime scene was staged by an

    Of course, you are not going to try to answer the question
    and we both know why. In large part, silence itself tells
    where you stand. So does the following:

    "in addition, Keenan's office plans to meet with private
    investigators hired by the Ramseys to pore over information
    they have gathered since the 6-year-old was found on the
    afternoon of Dec. 26, 1996, strangled, beaten and hidden
    behind the closed door to a basement room in the family's
    Boulder home.

    "private investigators hired by the Ramseys", "We will work
    cooperatively with Lou Smit, the Ramseys....Douglas is
    included for his "expertise."

    Am I too assume that the "private investigators hired by the
    Ramseys" have evidence to exonerate the Ramseys and have
    kept it from authorities all this time? Only a fool would be
    fooled by such a foolish notion. "Fresh eyes" approach?
    Surely, thou jest. The correct label is ongoing head-in-the-
    sand NON INVESTIGATION of the evidence and perpetuation of

    "Though Keenan won't speak in detail about the nature of her
    office's inquiry - now 6 months old - one thing is clear:
    Investigators are focusing on evidence and leads that point
    to an intruder in the death of JonBenet and not to her

    "focusing on evidence and leads that point to an intruder"

    Boulder is now "magic town?" How in the hell do you focus on
    something that does not exist?

    I am really getting exasperated. For over three years, I
    have heard claim after claim of evidence of an intruder.
    Again and again and again, I have asked, begged, cajoled,
    baited, threatened and pleaded for someone, anyone to show
    me just one item of evidence of an intruder. Indeed, in my
    last letter, I asked YOU.

    "Would you mind pointing out to me just one item you claim
    to be evidence of an intruder and hold still for some
    questions about the alleged evidence?"

    No response. Is my request to be shown some evidence of an
    intruder that unreasonable? If you had complied with my
    request, you would not be receiving this letter. Just show
    me some evidence of an intruder. It's not going to happen is
    it? We both know why. Still, you pretend.

    "Keenan says Boulder police exhausted their investigation of
    John and Patsy Ramsey, who were never charged in the crime.
    The police agreed to turn the case over to Keenan last
    December, in part because of repeated statements from the
    Ramseys that they had lost faith in the police to look
    beyond the couple to other suspects."

    It's the evidence that "targets" the Ramseys, not the BPD.
    There are no other evidentiary suspects. Some in the BPD
    tried to follow the evidence.

    This is what really troubled the Ramseys and prompted a
    shift away from them; said shift helped along by a threat of
    a lawsuit by Ramsey attorney, Lin Wood.

    There have been comments about movie references found in the
    "ransom note." The whole investigative environment reminds
    me of a movie released in 1959: "THE MOUSE THAT ROARED."

    A small principality suffering economic woes due to a fall
    off in wine trade decided to remedy their economic problems
    with a bold plan. The plan was to declare war on the United
    States, be quickly defeated, then receive financial aid.

    To initiate the war, they threatened the U.S. with nuclear
    annihilation. Much to their surprise, the "enemy"
    capitulated and they took over New York without firing a
    shot. No one bothered to check to see if the "MOUSE" had the
    means to back up the threat.

    "If it is believed this was a deal for Mary Keenan to take
    the investigation and cut a deal with Lin Wood to avoid
    being sued, it just didn't happen," Wood said. "I say that
    even though I made it very clear to Mary Keenan that we
    would be willing to forgo the lawsuit if she transferred the
    case." (Rocky Mountain News
    December 24, 2002}

    The statement is clearly self-contradictory and self-
    convicting. What meaning has the phrase, "willing to forgo"
    without the presence of a proposed action subject to
    cancellation if certain conditions are met? Indeed, the case
    WAS transferred to the DA's office held by you. Are we
    assume that this was mere coincidence and totally unrelated
    to Wood's threat? You subsequently stated:

    "We will work cooperatively with Lou Smit, the Ramseys, and
    the Boulder Police Department."

    The comical whimsy found in the '59 movie is not to be found
    in this real life situation. It is pathetic and disgusting
    beyond description. No one bothered to check out the basis
    for Wood's threat to find it had no substance; to find that
    it was all huff and puff dependent on the illusions and
    delusions of Lou Smit.

    Since no one bothered to check out the mythical basis for
    Mr. Wood's lawsuits and threats of lawsuits, the fallacy
    was allowed to compound without challenge until it was
    utilized for a de facto take over of investigative offices;
    namely, the Boulder Police Department and Office of District

    Throughout history, in certain cases a very large amount of
    time, effort and money has been spent on investigating the
    evidence to identify, apprehend, charge and convict the
    guilty party or parties. I dare say the Ramsey case is
    shamefully unique in that never before has so much time and
    money been spent TO AVOID identifying and charging the
    guilty party or parties.

    Ms. Keenan, do you think I am mistaken? Do you care to find
    out? If so, by all means ask Mr. Wood to show you the
    alleged evidence of an alleged intruder on which his threat
    of suit depended. Unless you can find fault in what I cited
    earlier as criteria for determining evidence, evaluate
    Wood's claim of evidence of an intruder by reference to
    this criteria.

    By all means, give it a go. Don't you owe it to the long
    suffering taxpayers before you spend more and more of their
    money chasing a non existing intruder? Ask Mr. Wood to put
    his claim of intruder evidence in writing so that the story
    can't change from moment to moment. If he dares claim
    evidence of an intruder, send it to me and I will respond.

    Do you suppose Mr. Wood will go for this? Easy answer:
    "No." Failure to sustain the claimed evidence of an intruder
    means a default accusation of the Ramseys, his clients.
    There is no way Mr. Wood will take this risk. He knows he
    will lose going in. There is the "MOUSE THAT ROARED" and
    "THE RAT THAT RANTED." Neither has realistic substance, but
    at least there was humor in the former.

    As pointed out in my previous letter, the illusions and
    delusions of Lou Smit were, by cowardice and incompetence,
    allowed to be entered into federal records as "Statements Of
    Facts" by Judge Carnes. This is what you initially had to
    say on April 7, 2003 about Judge Carnes's decision :

    "I have carefully reviewed the Order of United States
    District Court Judge Julie Carnes in the civil case of Wolf
    v. John Ramsey and Patricia Ramsey. I agree with the Court's
    conclusion that "the weight of the evidence is more
    consistent with a theory that an intruder murdered JonBenet
    than it is with a theory that Mrs. Ramsey did so."

    Although issued in the context of a civil case, the Court's
    ruling is a thoughtful and well-reasoned decision based on
    the evidence that was presented by the parties in that case.
    It should be read in its entirety." (Press release by PIO)

    Is there any doubt this is a full endorsement of Judge
    Carnes decision? There isn't, at least not in the mind of
    Mr. Wood who presumes to use your endorsement as support for
    threatened lawsuits:

    To: Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 10:54 PM
    Subject: Ryan Ross
    If you want to pay significant monetary damages to John,
    Patsy and/or Burke Ramsey, please feel free to publish the
    false and defamatory accusations against my clients
    contained in this Internet garbage article. But let me
    remind you that Boulder District Attorney Mary Keenan has
    spoken clearly and unequivocally -- after 6+ years of
    investigation, the weight of the evidence points toward an
    intruder as the murderer of JonBenet Ramsey. If you are
    prepared to print otherwise, be prepared to prove otherwise
    in a court of law.]"

    By May 25, 2003, the unequivocal support of the Carnes's
    ruling wanes:

    "Keenan declined to comment for this story, but when the
    lawsuit was dismissed, she said she agreed with the judge's
    conclusion and that her office is following new leads that
    support the intruder theory. However, she said she was not
    influenced by the judge's decision, which was only based on
    partial evidence, and would not exclude the Ramseys from
    investigation." (DailyCamera, May 25, 2003)

    This visible shift away from full endorsement of Carnes'
    decision is very significant. Let's take a close look.

    "partial evidence?" Partial evidence has the same
    relationship to truth as all the evidence. The pad and pen
    connected to the Ramsey household are "partial evidence."
    The "garrote scene" also connected to the Ramsey household
    is more "partial evidence." The same is true of any and
    every item of evidence. Whether talking about all or some
    particular item of evidence, evidence cannot point in two
    different directions. It either points toward an intruder or
    toward the Ramseys.

    The issue is not "partial evidence." If you are not
    influenced by the judge's decision because of rejecting it
    on the issue of evidence, it has nothing to do with partial.
    The only valid rejection is the conclusion that the alleged
    evidence upon which the judge made her decision is false.

    So, by the overland route, you inadvertently admit to the
    fallacy of the alleged evidence of an alleged intruder. This
    is the belief you present although not intentionally. This
    prompts a serious and pivotal question: On what basis do you
    propose to waste more time and money pursuing claims of
    intruder evidence which you already conclude are without
    factual support?

    If Carnes' ruling is suspect because it was on "partial
    evidence", and if the Ramseys are not excluded from
    investigation, isn't this saying they are suspects?

    If they are suspects, don't you think "private investigators
    hired by the Ramseys", "We will work cooperatively with Lou
    Smit, the Ramseys....Douglas is included for his
    "expertise", etc. might raise some eyebrows when these make
    up the bulk of your "investigative team?" In gaming circles,
    this is called a stacked deck.

    "Keenan rejected a suggestion that using the resources of
    Douglas, Smit and Ramsey-hired private investigators - all
    of whom have embraced the intruder theory - might hinder the
    district attorney's office efforts to look objectively at
    the evidence." (From article)

    Hinder objectivity? No indeed. It obliterates it! The
    "investigators" you choose are admittedly pro intruder from
    taking the Ramseys' word for their innocence. Smit has also
    been proven to be grossly incompetent and creator of fairy
    tales as "evidence."

    The exception, is the presently unknown Mr. Bennett. This
    appears to be nothing more than a token selection, an
    attempt to sell the illusion of independence and objectivity
    in the "new" investigation.

    As stated earlier, I do not know Mr. Bennett and do not
    presume to make any judgement in regard to what he thinks or
    doesn't think at this time. However, I can tell you this
    much. If Mr. Bennett is a competent and honest investigator,
    there is no way he can work harmoniously with the likes of
    Smit and Douglas.

    Ms. Keenan, this "tokenism" attempt to appease opposition
    via pretense of a "fresh look" investigation is absurd. I
    also find it insulting. Do you really think that everyone is
    as stupid as you appear to believe? Please do not judge
    everyone by those incompetents with which you have
    surrounded yourself.

    "We all have the same approach to the case; we're going to
    follow the evidence wherever it goes. And we're not going to
    ignore any of it," she said.

    Say what? Let's recall a bit from my earlier letter. Smit
    falsely claims the "garrote scene" is "sophisticated" and
    "professional". This is the core basis on which
    intruder\murder is claimed as opposed to accident. I pointed
    out that the "garrote scene" is amateurish and flawed in
    every respect. Smit claims and that's all he does. On the
    other hand, I provide definitive argument to support my
    claim of amateurish as evidence AND offer physical
    demonstration in court if necessary.

    Are you going to tell me that "Smit said" is evidence and
    forensic facts are not? If so, please explain. If not,
    please explain how ignoring my letter is not ignoring

    One more. How about that open window Smit crawled through
    that was a misrepresentation of the crime scene. This is
    evidence? The letter reveals a lot more of the same ilk,
    which you ignored as well.

    As pointed out in my letter, the ruling by Judge Carnes was
    primarily based on the testimony of Lou Smit. There is
    little doubt the decision of the grand jury to not indict
    was derived from similar fallacious testimony. Hasn't the
    absurdities permeating and saturating the investigative
    environment gone far enough and done enough damage? Don't
    you think the time is long overdue to displace the
    destructive fantasies with facts? If a new grand jury were
    convened and given a look at the actual evidence, what do
    you think the outcome would be? Why not find out?

    After an initial full endorsement of Carnes' ruling with
    attached conclusion of Ramsey innocence, later, you
    expressed some doubt by applying the phrase, "partial
    evidence" to the basis of Judge Carnes' ruling. In
    conjunction, you stated that the Ramseys would not be
    excluded from investigation.

    Given your selection of Smit, Douglas, Ramsey private
    investigators, et al, as part of the "investigating team",
    you literally turn over the investigation to the suspects,
    which, in effect, is to allow the Ramseys to investigate
    themselves. Words of denial do not displace the truth told
    by your actions. You claim intent to follow the evidence,
    yet go out of your way to DENY AND AVOID EVIDENCE as has
    been done for over six years.

    In the letter of May 20, 2003. I pointed out again and again
    that every item that Smit claimed as evidence of an intruder
    is patently false. So, if you really want to go with the
    evidence, the first evidence you go with is the evidence
    that Smit is a hindrance to a bona fide investigation.

    During over six years of Smit's "investigation", all he has
    managed to do is make up fairy tales about an imaginary
    intruder, direct attention away from the evidence and cost
    taxpayers money. Allowing him within a hundred yards of the
    investigation is ludicrous. He had his chance and blew it
    big time.

    With the combination of "investigators" you propose, you're
    setting up a losing proposition for sure. Either Bennett
    goes along with the nonsense of intruder (and I hope not),
    with more waste of time and money, or else, there will a
    disrupting clash within.

    Honesty and any chance of truth-based end results demands
    that you give Smit, Douglas and the rest of the RST their
    walking papers. Leave Mr. Bennett alone. Don't saddle him
    with the impossible task of trying to work around or through
    the mental machinations of myriad misfits.

    Ms. Keenan, I'm afraid you just don't get it. Maybe a few
    irrefutable facts and a few simple questions will help you
    gain a more realistic perspective.

    After nearly six and one half years with Smit, Ramsey
    investigators, and other members of the RST running the
    "investigation" with an expenditure of around $2,000,000,
    what do you have to show for it?

    Has there been an intruder arrested, charged and convicted?

    Do you have an intruder in custody?

    Do you have an intruder identified?

    Do you have any actual evidence of an intruder?

    The answer is no to all four questions. The reason the
    answer to the first three is no is because no is also the
    eternal answer to the fourth question. So, after over six
    years of effort and expenditure of around $2,000,000 you
    have exactly NOTHING to "justify" the huge outlay of
    taxpayer money. Right? AND YOU PROPOSE TO KEEP ON DOING IT?

    From the very beginning, Dec. 26, 1996, the evidence said
    loud and clear there was no intruder. It was easy to predict
    that time and money spent chasing the imaginary would yield
    nothing. Over six years later, this has come to pass to the
    tune of who knows how much time wasted and around $2,000,000
    for naught.

    Again, it is easy to predict that pursuing the myth of
    intruder from this point will likewise yield nothing but
    cost in time and money. Ms. Keenan, no matter who or how
    many play word games of self delusion, lying to each other
    and pretending otherwise, the end result of no intruder
    found is a 100% certainty. Do you really want to continue to
    be a part of this expensive farce?

    When my letter was received at your office, it became an
    official part of the Ramsey case file. The information
    provided by the letter is lawfully no different than
    information from any other source, official or otherwise.

    Since you took over the case, it was and is your legal
    responsibility to evaluate what I allege to be evidence and
    act accordingly as stipulated by law governing your office.
    Your action was inaction. You chose to ignore. The evidence
    and arguments which you chose to ignore are a definitive and
    comprehensive dismissal of all the alleged intruder evidence
    with consequent evidentiary indictment of the Ramseys.

    There is the potential of a lawsuit to compel you to file
    charges and take the case forward. However, given the fact I
    am not a resident of Colorado, nor a victim, in conjunction
    with several other reasons, I do not propose to do so. I
    propose to induce you to take a more thorough look at the
    situation. Although you may not see this at the moment, this
    is for your benefit as well as for others You are flirting
    with the disaster of too little too late. Failure to make a
    choice now to go with the facts might well be your last

    It is my contention that my certified letter to you dated
    May 20, 2003 proves beyond any reasonable doubt that all the
    alleged evidence of an alleged intruder is flawed by virtue
    of method and content. This is to once again clearly and
    unequivocally state there is no evidence of an intruder, nor
    has there ever been, nor will there ever be.

    You did not challenge this contention. You offered not a
    word in opposing argument. Given the gravity of the
    situation, excuses like "I didn't have time", nor any other
    escapism will not suffice to justify ignoring.

    I will certainly consider any explanation. However, from
    where I sit, to all appearances, you simply ignored the
    content of the letter because of unwanted truth you could
    not refute. If you could not refute, you had to at least
    tacitly agree to its accuracy.

    If this is a correct assessment, you hold knowledge
    affirming there is no evidence of an intruder. If this isn't
    the case, what is? If this is the case, spending more and
    more money in the pretense of following "intruder leads" is
    a conscious and deliberate fraud. Can you spell malfeasance?

    Why was Tom Bennett hired? Do you expect him to find
    evidence of an intruder? I know and you know, it won't
    happen. When the false idea of an intruder is dismissed with
    finality, what remains except the finger of guilt pointing
    toward the Ramseys? Not only is it impossible to connect any
    of the actual evidence to an imaginary intruder, ALL the
    evidence is inextricably linked to the Ramseys on numerous
    levels and in many ways.

    Given the aforementioned facts, the only question remaining
    is what charges to file and how to proceed with the
    prosecution. Certainly, I am not a prosecuting attorney, nor
    a licensed attorney of any sort. However, the law is
    displayed in words and I can read with substantial
    comprehension of the material. From this comprehension, I
    arrive at a laymen's conclusion on the issue of charges.

    The autopsy report reads in pertinent part:

    "CLINICOPATHLOGIC CORRELATION: Cause of death of this six
    year old female is asphyxia by strangulation associated with
    craniocerebral trauma."

    This evidence that JonBenet did not die immediately from the
    head trauma opens the door to more than the charge of
    involuntary manslaughter. The circumstance of the head
    trauma in conjunction with conscious and deliberate action
    following the head trauma, perhaps contributing to her
    death, provides several options. I'll leave you to
    contemplate the options.

    As indicated from the foregoing, I see no reason to continue
    the pretense of an investigation looking for a non existing
    intruder. Prosecution is in order, not pretense. However, if
    you insist on going through with this charade, I have a
    request: When Mr. Bennett officially becomes investigator of
    the Ramsey case, I presume the case files will be turned
    over to him. I request that my letter to you dated May 20,
    2003 and this letter be included and put on top of the
    pile. It may help to expedite matters.

    Ms. Keenan, maybe you and your propaganda team can keep the
    farce and fraud hidden indefinitely from most. But suppose
    you can't. Suppose that bye and bye the taxpayers and
    general public come to know the truth of the $2,000,000
    waste of their money. Suppose they come to know that you had
    and have information and evidence to stop the fraud, but
    refused to do so. Then what?

    Once again, govern yourself accordingly.


    Delmar England

    cc: Bill Owens
  15. 1000 Sparks

    1000 Sparks Active Member



  16. Adrian Monk

    Adrian Monk Member

    I hope this one goes to the media in Boulder and Denver, and not just a private letter for the KFC (Keenan Flying Circus) to round-file.

    It's way too good not to be made public.
  17. Tricia

    Tricia Administrator Staff Member

    Adrian Monk it has been sent to the media from what I understand.

    Trouble is no one seems to care. It's so frustrating. I can only imagine how Delmar feels.

    Great Job Delmar. Proud to say we know you.
  18. EasyWriter

    EasyWriter FFJ Senior Member


    "Adrian Monk it has been sent to the media from what I

    Hard copies of the first letter were sent to Dateline, 20\20, 48
    Hours with url for the letter sent to 70+ media outlets. Other
    than a hard copy to governor Owens, I did not send out anything
    regarding the second letter.

    Rest assured, admitting that around $2,000,000 of taxpayer money
    has been squandered on chasing Smit's illusions while the guilty
    walk is not something any of the responsible parties are likely
    to do.

    Even an arrest now would leave them trying to explain the delay
    and waste of time and money. They can't claim new case-breaking
    evidence because there is none. This leaves the question as to
    why the evidence was not acted upon in the first place before all
    the waste. Do any of them dare to address this question and
    provide truthful answer? I think not.

    You may expect every evasion and dodge in the book. Meanwhile as
    the fraud continues, so does the compounding of cost and personal
    liability; especially, the liability of Mary Keenan. It is not a
    position I envy.

  19. Ayeka

    Ayeka Member


    <i>Great Job Delmar. Proud to say we know you.</i>

    Hear, hear!

    Let's hope this isn't another exercise in futility... though my hopes aren't high given the track record. :p

  20. Thor

    Thor Active Member

    Delmar, I want to commend you on the good job you are doing with these letters. I don't have the brain skills to think up this stuff and I love you for it. My head was hurting so badly after reading this because of the fact that everything you say is so true. It makes me sick to my stomach that this is still going on almost 7 years later. And, due to the fact that the media so far has not touched this angle (just the RST angle), I am more convinced than ever before something very hinky is going on with this investigation. I have ALWAYS thought this, just not sure how up the ladder the hinkiness (should I say cover up?) was going on.

    I may not have been on the forums as long as the rest of you folks, but I have been following this case just about from the getgo. Why the hell are we not getting a response from the other side, if not the media? Is it Limp (horse-loving) Wood that is scaring everyone away? Good God, what power does this Puke have?

    Is anyone else gonna watch Perfect Murder Perfect Town this Sunday?
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