Dr. Bea Is back!

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by Tricia, May 31, 2002.

  1. Greenleaf

    Greenleaf FFJ Senior Member


    Lurker XIV, you wrote:

    "We are here to
    see that they eventually pay for their crime against
    humanity; to dog them and track them like Weisenthal
    tracked the Nazi killers of innocent babes; to see at least
    one of them brought before the courts of juctice as the SS
    men were brought before the Tribunal at Nuremberg."

    Lurker, I am proud to be part of that "we."

  2. MJenn

    MJenn Member

    Excellent, Lurker....

    And I agree, Greenleaf.

    One thing that has fueled my dedication to this case all these years is this: JonBenet was a child, a tiny girl who was vulnerable and who was abused and violently murdered in her own home. AND NOT ONE OF HER &%^f#f%)*!! SORRY FAMILY MEMBERS OR SO-CALLED FRIENDS WILL TESTIFY FOR HER! NOT ONE WILL STAND UP AND WITNESS FOR HER.

    No, they're all too busy covering for the Rams. Too busy dodging and weaving through the legal system.


    So if all they care about is their own sorry hides, that tells me a lot, right there. If she didn't mean any more to them than for them to sacrifice her memory, her experiences, her images in life and her hideous death to the world, while hiding from their own responsibilities as her guardians and witnesses, then she didn't mean much to them, did she? If all they care about is what is happening to them--and that's all they have EVER talked about, in their dozens of interviews, appearances, and a whole book, then that's about as pathetic as anything I've ever seen.

    They have left the RESPONSIBILITY for helping catch the killer of their child in their own home to strangers. They dumped it in the lap of the BPD, hightailed it out of town, and then have whined for almost six years about how they've been treated. The final testiment to their true devotion to themselves is that they have resorted to SUING the very people that have been burdened with finding this killer WITHOUT THE RAMSEYS' AID, COOPERATION OR COMMITTMENT. HOW RAMSEY OF THEM.

    The result is that they have secured their own place in the archives of crime history, along with OJ Simpson, Gary Condit, the Kennedy/Skakels, etc., as people who bought their way out of their responsibility in a murder. That the murder victim was their own child elevates them to a level of depravity that is marked even in this company.

    Until they do right by JonBenet, they and their heirs will forever be viewed suspiciosly. They deemed it so. The killer brought this on this family, yet they never blame the killer for their woes. They save their real anger for those who really seek the killer. Just all those hunting for the killer get sued and attacked by the Rams. Everyone who doesn't condone their behavior, who questions their allegiances becomes a victim of their guilt machine. All the innocent people whose lives have been terribly impacted by this murder, those who never even knew JonBenet but got twisted up in the coverup machine the killer put into motion, those people get no sympathy from the Ramseys. No, their agents have caused innocent people to be forever slandered and libeled, and that never bothers them. Only their own related troubles seem to penetrate their highly protected world of spin and evasion.

    Well, they made ONE MISTAKE. They actually believed that telling the world that a child killer was "out there" would somehow satisfy their responsibility in this murder. What that actually did was quite predictable: we want to know who that killer is, where he/she is, and get that killer behind bars, where no other child can be murdered like JonBenet.

    If that's wrong, so be it. If that's "obsessive," as some say, so be it. The day I quit caring that a child killer is "out there" is the day I quit caring about the safety of ALL children.
  3. purr

    purr Active Member


    Whew, some powerful posts on this thread!

    All I can say for now is "Ditto" !

  4. zoomama

    zoomama Active Member

    Thanks DR. Bea

    for taking time to answer our questions. I was tickled to see what you thought of my question of the 'tea party" after the "kidnapping". With all that has been said and done and written I still maintain that that to me, is the strangest of behaviors. There was a thread in the old JW years ago now where someone ask just that question...what is the one thing you find very strange about this case. It was early on but I answered that thread just like here with the "tea" party thing as my answer. I'm not sure why I keep going back to that one scene but I do over and over. Maybe because that is something I would never do in those circumstances but who knows what they would do right? This is a terrific thread and I thank all that have responded. Each one is so good.
  5. Toltec56

    Toltec56 New Member

    MJenn, you said it all. It boggles the mind to think that John and Patsy can turn their backs on the entire mess and get on with their lives.

    I believe Patsy covered up for one reason only.

    Self-preservation. She wanted to save her a**. That simple. Typical of a narcissist. She even managed to convince everyone involved that it was she, PPRBSJ, former Miss West Virginia, who was the true victim, not JonBenet.
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