John Ramsey campaign slogan contest. Big Prizes. Come See.

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by Tricia, Mar 10, 2004.

  1. Twitch

    Twitch Active Member

    Ok like BobC....

    still waiting...

    Here's my slogan and I think Tricia is waaaayyyyy purdy...

    Dont' garotte your future. Vote John Ramsey. He'll do it it for you.
  2. Twitch

    Twitch Active Member

    Wy said I could do 2.

    Vote John Ramsey. He'll put a strangle hold on crime.

    or 3...

    Vote John Ramsey. Your children are safe in his hands.
  3. Voyager

    Voyager Active Member

    TRICIA !!!

    Twitch is cheating!!! Just say'in....Wouldn't want Twitch to have a guilty concience now would we WY? :)
  4. Twitch

    Twitch Active Member


    Its John Ramsey and politics. Cheating is a given.

    Tricia is the purdiest forum diva of all.
  5. Twitch

    Twitch Active Member


    That's it. That's my slogan. Hahahahahahahahaha

    I win! I win!
  6. Tricia

    Tricia Administrator Staff Member

    Yep Contest over..Twitch wins EVERYTHING..LOL..

    Just kidding....Haven't decided yet. Going to keep this up for a few days.

    Glad to see people like Britt joining in. All of you are doing a great job. Keep it up.

    Twitcheroo entry per person. Back away from the computer...Although the last slogan is really cool. I"ll have to admit..:winkaway:
  7. Aurora

    Aurora Member

    Hey.... not so fast with those garnet earrings.... It just so happens that is MY well. favorite color is I'm going for that sapphire necklace.

    Still racking my brain on a different slogan. Thinking.....thinking......~~
  8. Britt

    Britt FFJ Senior Member

    Thanks, Tricia, but if I win a prize, in all fairness it should go to Patsy Ramsey since I stole her material :D
  9. Thor

    Thor Active Member

    Although I'm a jewelry freak, I submit defeat to everybody else. I'm not that creative.
  10. Wolfmarsgirl

    Wolfmarsgirl Member

    LOL Britt!!!

    Ok, I will borrow some of Patsy's material here too :)

    John Ramsey - Bringing Good Southern Common Sense to the Great Lakes!
  11. Wolfmarsgirl

    Wolfmarsgirl Member

  12. Deja Nu

    Deja Nu Banned

    Ok, since Twitch has multiple entries, and Bobc's silence would indicate he's passing on the poodle pin, here's a few of mine:

    JonBenet says, "John Ramsey for State Rep?"
    He'll take your breath away!

    Don't get run over by the Democratic bus
    Vote John Ramsey for State Rep.

    Boulder loved him, you will too!
    John Ramsey for State Rep.

    JonBenet Who?
    They've moved on with their lives
    And can move yours on, too.
    Vote John Ramsey for State Rep.

    He made Boulder safe for children,
    Charlevoix is next.
    Vote John Ramsey for State Rep.

    And lastly, I would like to nominate Lurker's:
    Still under the umbrella
    But he's our fella!
  13. Tricia

    Tricia Administrator Staff Member

    OMG these are great. DejaNu too good.

    Wolfmarsgirl those pictures are creepy. Ugh...To me it's so obvious where the marks on JBR's body came from.

    Keep 'em coming. I have a bunch of prizes in my prize closet. I may just have to have more winners.
  14. zoomama

    zoomama Active Member

    Too much fun!!!

    I've been thinking too.

    Vote John Ramsey
    You'll be in good hands just ask JBR
  15. Elle

    Elle Member

    I've had a mental block on this, but how about:

    Forget the ransom note. Give Ramsey your vote!

    Shortened it! :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2004
  16. LurkerXIV

    LurkerXIV Moderator


    I'll stick with this one:

    Still under the umbrella
    But he's our fella!
  17. LurkerXIV

    LurkerXIV Moderator

    Just for fun--

    Here's a bonus slogan:

    Give me your vote or I'll get my garrote!
  18. Ginja

    Ginja Member

    I love...

    Lurker's slogan and think it's "the" winner (1st place).

    Being somewhat verbose, I'm finding it difficult to nail down a slogan. How 'bout this:

  19. Deja Nu

    Deja Nu Banned

    Small foreign factions support John Ramsey, you should too!
  20. Deja Nu

    Deja Nu Banned

    John Ramsey for State Rep.
    Because lying just isn't enough.

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