Michael Tracey owes Jayelles an apology

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by Tricia, Jun 12, 2004.

  1. LurkerXIV

    LurkerXIV Moderator


    I want to thank you for taking on Tracey and his lying documentaries. Thank you for making that screen capture of the Gigax papers. Thank you for relaying it to Tricia, who you knew would do something about it. Thank you for caring so much about justice and truth.

    You are Michael Tracey's worst nightmare, because you have a great regard for truth, honesty, and accuracy in journalism.

    Your school and your students are very fortunate to have a person of such integrity and passion teaching there!
  2. Moab

    Moab Admin Staff Member

    The J in Jayelles really stands for Justice!

  3. Show Me

    Show Me FFJ Senior Member

    What Lurker said!
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