So, the Fingernail and Panty DNA matched, hey?

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by Watching You, May 20, 2004.

  1. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    I don't think Keenan is in Lin Wood's pocket, either, but, as DejaVu said, she caved in to his threats of a lawsuit if she didn't remove the case from the BPD. I wouldn't have faulted her at all for that; after all, she is a public servant acting in the best interests of the public, right? So, okay, she "takes over" the case. So far, so good.

    Did Wood also demand in an off-the-record conversation, that she hire Lou Smit, a Ramsey henchman as an investigator, and John Douglas, also someone who was originally paid by the Ramseys for work done in their "invesigation"? I don't care if Douglas gave the money back or not; the fact is, he was a Ramsey-hired profiler who then went on to voice an opinion, crazy as it was, to the public. Both of these men were steeped in Ramsey propaganda and thoroughly compromised, but Keenan decided they were the ones to run her new investigation.

    Spade, you say Keenan is doing the best she can, and I say if what we have witnessed is Keenan's best, then at the very least she is THE most incompetent DA I've ever known of. Are you going to tell me that Keenan doesn't have enough intelligence to know that in hiring people who have publically voiced their pro-Ramsey stance, she stacked the deck for the Ramseys? I wouldn't have thought anything about it had she brought in investigators that had no prior connection to the case, had no pre-conceived theories, and had not, in any capacity, been involved with the Ramseys before.

    Rather than doing her best, I am saying appearances make it seem that Keenan has directed the investigation toward her own bent, the intruder theory, rather than where the evidence leads. In hiring a died-in-the-wool Ramsey supporter like Lou Smit, she most certainly did stack the deck, and she had to have known it.

    I agree with the rest of your post. The case is in shambles and has been since Hunter et al got in bed with Haddon et al in the early stages of the case. It's my belief no one will ever be convicted of this crime, ever if someone were indicted. As far as I'm concerned, that's the DAs' faults - both former and present. They both are responsible for the shambles this case is in.

    I am just stubborn enough, though, to keep the pressure on all of them - the Ramseys, the DA's office, the governor, and Lin Wood, since he hates to be excluded in anything. They all want it, and us, to go away. I'm not going away.
  2. Spade

    Spade Member

    Civil Lawsuit

    IMO Keenan did NOT take the case away from the BPD because of LinWad's threat of a civil lawsuit. I think that she felt she could manipulate the smoke and mirrors with more success with the case under the control of the DA.
  3. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    I can accept that, only because you are closer to the situation that I, but one would still have to question the timing on it. If Keenan was not intimidated by Limpwood's threats, isn't it fair to suggest that he was at least the impetus for her seizing the opportunity to conduct things her way? Sort of like being in the right place at the right time? It is difficult for me to imagine the timing was only coincidence.
  4. Spade

    Spade Member


    I think you are right about LinWad's threats providing Keenan with an excuse to take control. However, when the threats were 1st made public, I heard that Keenan consulted with several other DA's and received advice to give LinWad more rope because a hanging was imminent.
  5. Deja Nu

    Deja Nu Banned

    Keenan's intent toward this case has been evident for a long time. The entire BDA needs to be removed from it, as per our petition still pending before Gov. Owens.

    Excerpts from May 9, 2000 chat with Steve Thomas:

    crimeADM: Isn't the fact that Alex Hunter owns property with the Ramseys' lawyers a conflict of interest?

    SteveThomas:Great question -- as I say in the book, Alex Hunter should have undoubtedly recused himself from this case, not just for having joint business interests Ramsey attorneys, but for a number of other things

    crimeADM: Whether or not Ben Johnson gets elected, do you believe there will ever be an arrest in this case?

    SteveThomas: Not if one of the in-house deputies of Hunter gets elected. Keenan, in fact, has made comments to the effect of "moving on". Tell that to a murder victim.

    crimeADM: Do you think Alex Hunter is waiting for the "smoking gun", or does he think the evidence suggests an intruder?

    crimeADM: Are there any aspects of the case that you find yourself constantly puzzling over?

    SteveThomas: Hunter knows there is no smoking gun. As he is prone to do, he flip-flops constantly on issues, but even he is now convinced this was not an Intruder.
  6. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    A hanging was imminent? While I agree that there will be a hanging, I'm not sure that rope was so much given to him as it was taken by him. But, either way, it amounts to the same thing. It's been a year and a half since Keenan took the case over, and while Wood is in grave danger of swaying in the breeze at the end of that rope, he's been allowed to do grave damage to this case with Keenan's support (witness the Carnes decision, which Keenan supported). Seems to me that not only is Wood going to hang himself, he will take Mary Keenan down with him when he goes. I don't know what that bunch means by "imminent," but judging by the pace this case has moved along, I might not live long enough to see Wood's demise.

    Yeh, I will.
  7. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

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