Susan Bennett Claims She Lost A Forum - Nopey nope

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by shannon1233, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. Why_Nut

    Why_Nut FFJ Senior Member

    April 6th is coming up, you know. That was the date in 2005 that Jameson got her failure of a JonBenet play copyrighted so she could then sell it for profit and make money off of the performance rights to theaters for profit. How many performances have there been of that play, Jameson? Right. A big fat goose egg of a zero. I trust that will serve as cold comfort to Jameson tonight, that she made no profit from her play, but only because every legitimate theater company in the country thought it was so poorly-written it was not worth staging.
  2. Sabrina

    Sabrina Member

    Not only did no one want to stage it but it bombed on Ebay. The only people that bought it was that MakeToast creep and some of hir posters.
  3. Tril

    Tril Member

    Can someone here post a synopsis of the play?

    What's it about?

    I don't get it.
  4. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    She wouldn't agree with you WN. jameson has offered excuses as to why her play bombed and none of them applied to the quality of the play. she suggested subject matter - no-one likes a sad ending and this play is a tragedy with no happy ending.

    Knowing jameson, I'm surprised she hasn't suggested that the theatres are all BORG and that they would only buy a play which had the Ramseys as perps...

    I find it interesting that not one of the few jameson supporters who bought the play reported back on it. Does that mean they didn't read it? Or didn't like it? Or just didn't really buy it?

    She said her play might be expensive, but that it was the "truth". Presumably it doesn't include any discussions between the key players then since jameson wouldn't be able to claim that as the "truth" unless she'd been there personally.
  5. koldkase

    koldkase FFJ Senior Member

    :floor: Now that you've mentioned it...we'll probably see it.

    Oh, I think you're giving jams a little too much credit here. I doubt that even one LEGITIMATE theatre company ever HEARD of the play. That's not how they work. Thousands of new plays are written every year, many by very well-established and accomplished playwrights. A relatively small number of those are read by actual theatrical producers, especially LEGITIMATE, professional companies, and those that are come through well-established agents first. Remember, for professional theatres who pay a lot of salaries, mounting a play has the goal of having it seen by PAYING audiences and making money, not losing it.

    New playwrights, on the other hand, those without agents or connections, can find competitions in smaller, local theatres sometimes, where they can submit their plays to be read and judged. If they are chosen, they can be staged, but those are often one-act plays performed in an evening consecutively.

    I can't judge jams' play, as I haven't read it and wouldn't pay a penny for the chance to do so. In fact, I doubt I'd waste my time if it was sent to me in an anonymous envelope, knowing how skewed her point of view is in this case. There isn't a hope in He!! that it would be less than full of the same DISINFORMATION as her forum has ever been.

    As for its theatrical potential, it takes a lot of time and energy, some financing, the participation of dozens of people, voluntarily, if not paid, and a location amenable to the performance of it, to mount a play of any kind. Artistic skill and experience of those involved would be optional, at this level. An amateur group might be convinced to perform a play like jams', but if her apparent control issues came into play, I wonder how many would stay the course.

    The bottom line is that having the infamous murder of JonBenet attached might get some pro-Ram bleeding hearts interested in seeing such a play, but the only thing that would make it marketable to professional theatre groups would be the quality of writing. It's an unique art. If jams has mastered it, or even minored it, in ONE play, I'd be quite surprised.

    That jams would have the cahones to charge so much money for copies of her amateur script I find not only appalling...but so JAMS.... That she actually had people PAY it...well, THAT'S why they believe the Rams are innocent, isn't it? Gullible, easily manipulated, and bereft of a discerning judgment.
  6. Cherokee

    Cherokee FFJ Senior Member

    That, my friend, is the absolute and unassailable truth.
  7. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    Gosh! That's a perspective I hadn't given thought to.

    I have the Tothster spouting RST logic at me over at Purg and as he delivers the facts according to jameson, I was struck by the depth of his devotion for Toth is one of only a teensy handful of her followers left at her forum (the others have seen the light). It also struck me as terribly sad that he should remain so very loyal having witnessed the way jameson has treated so many of her other loyal followers over the years. His turn will come - guaranteed.
  8. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    I just noticed that only a few days after having objected to Evening2's SDI theory and threads and then terminating E2's membership as a consequence of the exchanges that followed .... jameson then STARTED a thread to discuss Charles Kuralt. For those of you who don't know, It was Charles Kuralt's programme which Santa McReynolds was supposedly being filmed for and which resulted in Patsy throwing the party on 23rd.

    Not only did jameson START this thread (knowing that it would have been something E2 would have relished), jameson also participated in it - possibly more significantly than she did any any McSanta thread. She also chose this thread to "share" something she knew about McSanta and to clear up rumours which had been abound on her forum for years - that Mcsanta hadn't been into kiddie porn at all (he'd apparently had a secret interest in gay porn).

    Why would jameson start such a thread after making it clear that she didn't want such threads on her forum?

    Why would jameson keep silent about McSanta's sexual preferences and allow years of misinformation to be posted on her forum about the man?

    The answer to these questions is that we're talking about jameson - these actions are entirely in keeping with the character (or lack of it) that we have observed over the years.
  9. Barbara

    Barbara FFJ Senior Member

    I just love a teacher who gives the answers Jay lol

    I guess this is her way of punishing E2 for leaving and possibly payback/punishment if she has been reading some of E2's bashing of her.

  10. JC

    JC Superior Cool Member

    Did you see jameson post last week "Darnay" paid $5,000 for it?
  11. koldkase

    koldkase FFJ Senior Member

    I have never heard or seen anyone state that Darnay actually BOUGHT WS--UNTIL JAMS POSTED THAT RECENTLY--NO SOURCE, of course. I remember posters and river, who DID end up with WS before Tricia, saying that Darnay had ALMOST bought the forum. The only speculation I ever saw was that Darnay's check bounced...maybe that's what jams is referring to, but again, NO SOURCE IS GIVEN, as per usual at the swamp, so who knows about yet MORE UNSOURCED GOSSIP from jams.
  12. koldkase

    koldkase FFJ Senior Member

    Speaking of MORE UNSOURCED GOSSIP FROM JAMS...I would bet my favorite crack pipe that she didn't SOURCE the gossip about McReynold's "GAY PORN" interests, did she?

    How RAMSEY of her.

    I personally have some questions myself about some of the RSTers who have spent SO MUCH TIME looking at CHILD PORN and COMMUNICATING WITH "sick puppy suspects" who love to talk about vile sexual acts with children. What exactly are THEIR sexual interests? Where is the GOSSIP about them? UNSOURCED, of course....
  13. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    You've got to raise a smile at the posts which are turning up at jameson's. A new member - Olivia has made barely a dozen posts since she sent off her $50 to join the forum last December. Half of these comprise of posts which thank jameson for providing such a wonderful forum whilst trashing the other forums.

    Olivia has made only a handful of posts discussing the Ramsey case. She hasn't commented on most of the case discussion threads but she sees fit to join in those threads which trash the BORG and libel people like Judith Phillips.

    Methinks Olivia is allowing herself to be too much influenced by jameson because she posted something which is almost identical to a post jameson made a few years ago...

  14. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    Then there's Ashley, who posts as Yacky at Topix - even although she denies it (would that make her a liar?)

    Ashley is referred to as "The Village Idiot" by some posters. Even the RST seem at a loss with Ashley's logic at times. Like DB, Ashley does not "do" sources. She simply posts her opinions as facts and insults anyone who disagrees with her or questions her. Still, Ashley is easily squashed. All you have to do is tickle her and she rolls over. Try saying "Ashley - I LOVE your posts/You're one of my favourite posters" and she will LOLOLOLOL and reply "I love yours too :)) You're one of my favourite posters too..."

    From Topix - examples of Ashley's logic:-

    The broken window was ABOVE the suitcase, but Ashley thinks the only way that glass from that broken window would get on top of the suitcase is if someone stood on it (presumably transferring the glass from the floor to the suitcase).

    Needless to say - several posters immediately provided their sources for Lou Smit saying precisely that and someone else patiently explained why it was important to interview key witnessed immediately after a murder :)

    As they say EMPTY vessels make most noise!
  15. koldkase

    koldkase FFJ Senior Member

    Yeah, that Ashley is a real brain trust. I remember a fav swamp post of hers, when she SCREAMED that she was TIRED of BORG claiming the Ramseys had hired someone for public relations!!!! IT ISN'T TRUE!! she declared!!

    And of course, there are so many sources for the fact that the Ramseys had not only one, but a succession of PR persons: there were many articles with headlines about the Ramseys CHANGING their PR person; the Ramseys themselves talking about their PR persons, John in fact discussing that with Smit in the '98 interivew, what a mistake it had been to hire the first one.

    Ashley doesn't bother to know what she's talking about, as the RST manual trains them it's not necessary to tell the truth or know the facts, only to keep the disinformation going.... :404:
  16. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    OK - either jameson is a liar or John Ramsey is!

    jameson said:-

    John Ramsey said:-

  17. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland


  18. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    John Ramsey goes on to say that they changed their number because Jeff Shapiro also had it and was calling them.

    I wonder if jameson got the Ramsey number from Shapiro?
  19. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    jameson also tried to get hold of the ramseys through Jeff Ramsey's wife's sister.

  20. Barbara

    Barbara FFJ Senior Member

    This is a tough one Jay

    They are both such PROVEN liars that it almost doesn't matter, but I still would bet that in this case, John Ramsey is telling the truth.

    It seems she hunted him down like she tends to do. She has done that with so many people that I am not at all surprised that she stalked them
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