Susan Bennett Claims She Lost A Forum - Nopey nope

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by shannon1233, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland


    Time will tell, I'm sure. I've always thought that jameson was the RST's biggest handicap.
  2. JC

    JC Superior Cool Member

    According to some federal papers she signed off on, she never had a forum.
  3. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    Yep. She never got $40 grand from the Enquirer, either.
  4. JC

    JC Superior Cool Member

    Nor does she own a copyright to a play (not that it's worth much, but she has SOLD a few copies) for that matter.
  5. BluesStrat

    BluesStrat BANNED !!!!!

    Well JammySue is upset about the new forum - once again threatening to close the swamp if the "old timers" don't put up some cash. Time to fork over those membership dues so she can buy more figurines on Ebay!
    I wonder who will be stupid enough to join the JammySue monthly payment plan. :floor:
  6. Driver

    Driver FFJ Senior Member

    yeah, I just went and read that thread.. wonder if the "old-timers" will realize that Jameson has just given herself a $10 raise? $5 x 12 = $60

    Slippery, Jameson, slippery. Guess it's all that oil, huh?
  7. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    She seems pretty upset about the "splinter group". She says that she doesn't mind new forums and that she thinks the more discussion the better, but then she said that she wouldn't allow Miss Marple to "campaign" for her new forum! There is a deleted post on that thread, I wonder if Miss Marple dared to post a link to the new forum?

    The FACT is, jameson will not like this new forum. A good many of her members have joined and if it's well run (which jameson's is not) they will quite possibly like it enough to decide that there is no point in renewing their membership at jameson's.

    It's laughable that she keeps referring to Miss Marple as a BORG. He most certainly isn't. I don't know whether jameson realises that and is simply resentful of his excellent wiki and team efforts with some of her more intelligent posters or whether she genuinely doesn't even realise that he believes the Ramseys are not only innocent - but also very hard done by the media! I do believe that jameson thinks that she is so inextricably linked to the ramseys that any criticism of her, her actions or her posts must mean that the person is BORG.
  8. Why_Nut

    Why_Nut FFJ Senior Member

    She is experiencing (and in my opinion it may well be in every sense of the phrase) empty-nest syndrome. Her members have shown that they can move out of her forum and still express their points of view as freely as they ever could on her forum, and even more, as recent events have shown. 1999 is so seven years ago. Forum hosting is free for the asking and no longer a valuable commodity. Anyone who pays to post on her site at this point is doing it out of pity, not necessity, especially when she does not even attempt to value-add her site with rare case material that she could easily provide. All that can happen now is the inevitable crumbling of her forum to dust, which will happen.
  9. BluesStrat

    BluesStrat BANNED !!!!!

    JammySue's number-one priority has always been to keep the truth from as many people as she can. She has never allowed linking to any RDI site on her forum. Since Marple's wiki links to RDI as well as IDI sites, it is on her list of places she doesn't want her weak-minded followers to visit.

    And hats off to Ashley!--Who came right out and admitted the discussion at the new forum is too intelligent for her level of brain activity! At least she has enough sense to know her station in life. :laughup:
  10. JC

    JC Superior Cool Member

    I agree 100%. It is happening, imho. After reading BluesStrat's post, some may be paying out of stupidity, still.
  11. Barbara

    Barbara FFJ Senior Member

    There was a time when members paid because they truly believed they were working with a real player on the inside of the case

    Like WN said, that is so seven years ago. She is no longer an insider and while she may provide some insider stories, I don't think any of them are current and she no longer has any real, valuable insight anymore; and surely no more than many others with contacts, etc.

    But there are still some who think they are posting on a celebrity forum on the inside and as long as they believe that, they'll pay for the honor.

  12. koldkase

    koldkase FFJ Senior Member

    They can't do higher math at the swamp. Higher than counting to 10.
  13. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    You are right there. When she opened her forum to the public, someone satrted a thread (Athena from CTV?) asking if there was an official source for the Bloomies being size 12-14. There were the usual bumblings - quotes with Patsy saying she would normally buy JBR 8-10s and other mutterings about not knowing of any official wources..... then Miss Marple came in and references p62 of Karr's arrest warrant - and the post got deleted. Miss Marple posted it again - and that got deleted too. Yep. Suppression of the truth is what jameson is doing. Thinking people are realising that and voting with their feet.
  14. JC

    JC Superior Cool Member

    I paid out of stupidity; it had nothing to do with the Ramsey case. I am of the opinion there is monetary value in some forums, and should Tricia ever decide to sell shares of hers, I'd like to buy some. One, anyway. :)
  15. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    jameson says:-

    jameson sounds as if SHE knows who the source was for the documents...
  16. BluesStrat

    BluesStrat BANNED !!!!!

    Well let's see... who stole case photos and information when he left and turned it over to Michael Tracey?
    Oh yeah...that was LOU SMIT.
    Not too hard to figure out.
  17. koldkase

    koldkase FFJ Senior Member

    Of course she does. She has said many times she "consulted" with Tracey on his crocs. And we know the first time we saw the DNA test results was on one of Tracey's crocs. Someone put them up from a screen capture, probably Why Nut, and then jams put them up on her forum, as well, same screen capture. They discussed them at length at the swamp, as did we, trying to decipher them, as to who was excluded, whose names were blacked out, etc.

    Now that I think about it, how telling that the people's names they didn't want to SHOW as excluded were NOT RAMSEYS, but others they love to discuss as suspects.
  18. BluesStrat

    BluesStrat BANNED !!!!!

    Sadly, jameson has gone deaf. She writes:
    Obviously she was unable to hear Mary Lacy say, "THE DNA MIGHT BE AN ARTIFACT".
  19. koldkase

    koldkase FFJ Senior Member

    Gone deaf...been dumb....
  20. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    I'm glad to see that the new forum has much higher standards than jameson's. Not only do they permit links to sources - they encourage it! Hallelujah! Of course, there are educated people running the new forum and they know that in the real world of research and investigation, claims of fact aren't worth a button if they aren't backed up with sources!

    jameson must be living in cloud cuckoo land if she thinks no-one sees through her attempts to censor facts.

    jameson always claimed that she didn't allow links to BORG sites because they would substitute the link for porn (utter garbage). Now she's claiming that she doesn't permit links to the Wiki because it's "full of BORG misinformation" - eh? No matter how many times she's been told that the beauty of a Wiki is that anyone can correct misinformation and that this means her too - she persists in her attacks against the Wiki. She claims that she went in and corrected misinformtion once and that next day "BORG" put it back to what it was. Now it seems clear that the Wiki jameson was referring to wasn't Miss Marple's Wiki but that doesn't stop her attacking Miss Marple or his Wiki. She calls him "BORG to the bone" - laughable because he is definitely not! Not even slightly. He has always been IDI and irritatingly (to me) even leans towards RST.

    "Alter" watch - any new hats and hats which registered a while ago but rarely posted may now come out of the woodwork to post ;-)
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