THE GLOBE - New Hunt for JB Killer

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by Watching You, Jan 3, 2003.

  1. Mandarin

    Mandarin Member

    About Steve ...

    I, for one, do not put Steve Thomas anywhere near the nutbar Lou Smit.

    Steve wrote a very credible book, after he resigned. He's in touch with reality, he knew then and probably more so now, that this case will never go to trial and the Rams will never be prosecuted.

    Lou Smit, on the other hand, is a decaying old coot, who has nothing better to do than kiss the arse of people that are on a higher financial level than he will ever be. He's a groupie, that's all.

    Steve Thomas stood all alone and had the courage of his convictions. Lou Smit is merely sleeping with the enemy, a trait that is obviously popular in Boulder.

    I WILL ALWAYS ADMIRE STEVE THOMAS and yes, like us all, I'm certain his does have faults and problems, and it took a lot of courage for him to lay down his badge at his age. Louser Smit on the other hand, was way past retirement and looking for a cushy assignment with his Christian bretheren.

  2. AK

    AK Member

    I think every homicide case is plagued by infighting, hurt feelings, frustrations and people quitting in anger. When a child is the victim, everything is amped up higher.

    All understandable.

    I'd not have any problem with Steve had he not written his book. When I compare him to Smit, I'm saying that ST's book is the equivalent of Smit's media show-and-tell. Unconscionable and unprofessional.

    But for ST, show me one other homicide ace who reveals case-harming details (and there were some and I won't repeat them) on an open case. I've discussed this with dozens of hard-core cops and not one has seen this done before. They'd all love to see him write a bang-up book after trial since he has fascinating insight, but before? No. As much as I enjoyed reading it, I wish it weren't in print.

    Homicide cops have to keep a steely temperment. They're different animals from any other cop because their mission is greater. They've got the best opponents, so they must keep their wits and focus at all times.

    If Steve found it troubling he should have left and hushed up until after a trial. If he wanted to serve justice, he would have kept his testimony ready. He could have gone in the courtroom, glowering at all the a-holes he once worked with and never wants to see again, and hit one out of the ballpark for the victim he cared enough about to leave flowers on her grave. He betrayed the case. He didn't think moves ahead on this human chess game. He gave up and let his team down. No homicide cop worth his or her badge would ever do that, no matter how much time goes by. In fact, every passing day increases the resolve to see things done right. If you think we suffer outrage when we see things go south, imagine being a homicide detective who has sat for hours/years poring over the murder book, has looked the killer in the eyes, and is just champing at the bit to get him or her.

    A homicide cop has to be prepared to hand off a case and go away until called for testimony. What did ST expect? That's where he should have consulted someone with more experience--- perhaps he did with Smit--- and learned how to walk away with dignity until needed. It's like being the mother of the bride and pushing your daughter out of the way when the vows are ready to be exchanged. I don't care that Steve was inexperienced, but he failed to learn how the game is played and tried to force his rules on a time-held tradition.

    WY, I hear ya when you go off on Hunter. I may well too after this is adjudicated, if he doesn't have a damned good reason for having done certain things. But I will give him the benefit of the doubt because I wasn't in that huddle of the best and the brightest who helped him move through the waters.

    And yes, mistakes were made all over too -- but none so huge to sink the case, that I can see anyway. Maybe I'm Candide, but I have an even larger belief that there are significant things they are keeping out of the public eye and saving for trial. I have no data on that except I've never seen a murder case that didn't have some surprises.
  3. RiverRat

    RiverRat FFJ Sr. Member Extraordinaire (Pictured at Lef

    Back in Line, Groupie AK

    We have Watching to do. And we all know that had there not been a whistle that needed blowing, Steve's book would be in the form of testimony and not paperback.

    Never Forget the APE.

    Accute Political Emergency. These three little words were spoke to Steve his first morning on the case. I don't remember any "Patsy for President" signs, so how does politics come into play? John and Lockheed? Terrorist?

    Steve wouldn't play the Monkey Role so they brought in Smit. The Chump Chimp. And The Circus Played On.

  4. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    No trial in my lifetime

    that is my belief. I could live another 25 - 30 years, although I don't expect to. There is longevity in my family, so one never knows, but I do not expect to see anyone stand trial in my lifetime. If my health holds, I may outlive Patsy Ramsey, considering her health history. John Ramsey could live to a ripe old age, but he doesn't seem to be the main suspect, anyway.

    The case will fade into oblivion until some young hotshot detective(some new Mark Fuhrmann or Steve Thomas) decides to take another look at the case and write a book about it 20 years from now as happened in the Martha Moxley case. That is the only way the case will be reopened and the killers exposed as was Martha's killer. It will be after all the hoopla has died down and the general public has long forgotten about the case. A new generation will rule, and new eyes will look at the evidence and say, well, this person(s) obviously committed this crime, but here's why s/he/they were never brought to justice.

    As far as Steve's writing a book, I believe he knew the damage had been done long before he decided to blow the lid off a corrupt Boulder system. He knew the killer would never be brought to justice, because he was inside the investigation and saw what was going on. He was a whistle blower, and I think he did do the right thing. Steve did not give the killers anything in that book they didn't already have, thanks to Hunter, et al.

    Smit, OTOH, took autopsy evidence photos and other evidence files and showed them on TV. Steve didn't do that - there were no evidence photos in his book. Smit presented evidence that didn't exist in the police files as fact - one example of the way he twisted the facts in the case. He was a Ramsey lackey through and through. ST wasn't alone in thinking Smit was out of line, so why would anyone think Steve should take Smit as his mentor? That's counterproductive, I think.

    The fact that Keenan has invited Smit back inside the investigation tells me all I need to know about her and where this investigation is headed. He should be nowhere near any new evidence that has been collected since he walked off with case evidence the first time. It is ludicrous to think he won't do the same thing again. Let's face it. Wood and Smit are thick as thieves. What Smit learns about any new evidence, Wood will know, because Smit will tell him. But, wasn't that the plan to begin with? Of course it was.

    It's good, I guess, to be optimistic in the face of undeniable evidence to the contrary, and sometimes I admire anyone who can keep a positive outlook in spite of some pretty obvious signs all is not well. In this case, I can't believe anyone would think it a good sign that after Smit revealed confidential evidence to the world, Keenan invites him back to do it again. She could have called in completely new investigators to look at the evidence and follow any new leads if she really wanted new eyes looking at the case. Smit is going in there with all his Ramsey baggage and his connections with the fruit loop Jameson. It was a move to placate Wood but not one to instill good faith in the public.

    What's that old saying? If you fool me once, shame on you. If you fool me twice, shame on me. Shame on Keenan.
  5. BobC

    BobC Poster of the EON - Fabulous Inimitable Transcript

    The thing that put everything in perspective for me was actually going to Boulder. Everything suddenly made sense. Boulder isn't even a city--it's barely a town. These were small town people who suddenly found themselves in a monster situation that nobody was prepared for. The press amplified all the problems and a lot of people got trampelled, others got swelled heads, and everybody made mistakes. I have no desire to debate ST or anybody else at this point--they're all just people. People put in an extraordinary situation. How people on these forums can ruin friendships over whether ST is a hero or a villain is just bizzare to me.

    What is very distressing to me at this point is that we have a libel lawyer basically running an investigation.

    This is all about money. Money shouldn't influence a criminal investigations but it does and always has in this country. I'm sure more hardened people don't really care but I do. I can forgive Patsy Ramsey for flipping out and killing her kid--I really can because I think anyone under certain circumstances is capable. I also don't much care anymore if she ever gets prosecuted. But this chit about extorting money out of media outlets and police departments for daring to report or discuss what is so obviously true is just sick. It literally turns my stomach. Pimping a little girl from beyond the grave is so phucking sleazy. Don't expect me to like it.
  6. BobC

    BobC Poster of the EON - Fabulous Inimitable Transcript

    Notice the Ramseys are saying chit about this extortion scheme. They've been shameless before but I'm sure this new low is embarrassing even to them so they are keeping a low profile--but they still want that cash, don't they? Just let the nazi go collect up that cash! TaChing!
  7. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    I agree with you, BobC

    but I'm a little puzzled about the statement about ruining friendships over ST. Just because I disagree with FedoraX about ST and some other things doesn't mean I'm angry. I just don't agree, that's all. I don't know who is right or wrong, I just know how I feel about what has happened.

    You nailed the biggest source of my disgust when you said this: "What is very distressing to me at this point is that we have a libel lawyer basically running an investigation."
  8. BobC

    BobC Poster of the EON - Fabulous Inimitable Transcript

    I wasn't talking about you WY--I'm talking about people from forums in the past who started hating each other over people like ST. It's silly. I like this forum because people keep things in perspective.

    You know you're fabulous. Don't be coy.
  9. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    I just wanted

    to hear you say you think I am fabulous, hahahaha. Of course I are.
  10. BobC

    BobC Poster of the EON - Fabulous Inimitable Transcript

    I know. You little tease.
  11. Mandarin

    Mandarin Member


    You now Fed, I applaud your courage to have a different opinion of ST than most here. BUT, do you actually think there is ever going to be a trial with the Ramseys? Or anyone else, for that matter?

    Tell me your kidding Fedorax ... I'm not blasting you, but after a 6 year circus with so many clowns, the only thing I see happening is Wood/Smit/Rams continuing with their ridiculous civil suits, till they breathe their last breath. I can actually imagine these people though, turning on one another when the money supply dries up or someone dies, whichever comes first.

    They will never go away (literally or figuratively).

    p.s. I also get the distinct feeling from reading a lot of posts, not here, but elsewhere, that we are going to be fed some b.s. that the intruder/killer, etc. has kicked the bucket. You watch!

  12. AK

    AK Member

    Eternal optimism!

    I just finished a conference tonight with experts who have been putting together a murder case. The crime happened about 10 years ago, and for a while it was deemed an accident. (I expect this to be in the news soon so I won't say where or cause of death, but it's a doozy.) Two exhumations later, there's a new light. This was murder, and the husband is the suspect. But he thinks he's gotten away scot-free. He's living with their children, running a business, thinking his wife is dead, buried and forgotten. HA!

    In fact, there are some of the world's best experts lined up with reports from auspicious labs, and the FBI is also involved. There are witnesses from no fewer than 12 states. Still there is hesitation on the part of the state attorney general to OK the end game and make the arrest. So, it's back to work for a bit more. But it will happen. And when it does, it will be a ready-to-go case with a very high probability of conviction.

    The victim's family has been deprived of her for a decade, and haven't been able to see her kids grow up. They have also had to fund the entire investigation because the initial DA was happy to call it an accident. Along the way there have been bizarre doings, major disappointments and other hallmarks of a long case. But no one close to it betrayed the goal or the victim.

    I tell you this because I will NEVER give up on JonBenet. It's not that a kid was killed. I see more child homicides by parents than I can possibly count. And, as BobC has stated, I believe this was an accident, and I see more accidental homicides than I can possibly keep up on. What keeps me front and center is the arrogance of blaming phony suspects and the bankroll that is allowing this to happen.

    I also know this is a motha of a complicated case, and as such, there are anomalies in play. I know for a fact there are people much closer to the case than me who are waiting for that phone call to get their files in order and be ready to testify. So, yeah, I believe that day will come!

    BobC, you're right about Boulder being a small town. That it happened on a holiday was another problem. But those things don't preclude a conviction. When I was in Hawaii recently, the case I was there for involved a murder on an outlying island. A regular doctor had to sign the death certificate, and a forensic path had to be flown in for the autopsy. That's how it goes in remote areas. In the Ramsey case, Meyer consulted with a big-league forensic path on the phone while he conducted his autopsy. He sought, and got, lots of help through every step. I believe others in the investigation rose to the challenge, once they realized what they had. That's why I am disinclined to pick on the problems. I'd rather focus on the victories.

    RR, are WE Groupie Watch? It shows how narrow a thinker she is that she doesn't understand why GLOBE did the current story. It's because Lin was all over the news with the story -- it was what happened last week, DUH! For Candy to think it signifies some kind of payoff or conspiracy is lunatic. Besides, her own reporting hasn't been up to snuff lately. Her eye misread the bylines of two people who wrote about Anna Nicole Smith and credited the Ramsey story to them. That piece had no byline. But has she amended her work? No.

    The unfortunate problem with a high-profile case is that conspiracy theorists pop up to fill the vacuum with wacky-arse stuff. Not only does this case have that in spades, but the Rams have a lawyer whose self-interest outweighs that of his client. Sometimes I think Wood is doing it so that when eventually there is a criminal arrest, the Rams can say they got ineffective counsel and use that as a defense. But just know that while Woodenhead is spinning wild tales, and others affected cannot challenge him with the truth, a list is being made of every single lie. And they, and he, will be dealt with later.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2003
  13. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    Ah ha!

    Do I detect a defection from the Candy camp, FedoraX? Yes, we are Groupie Watch, but nobody here really gives a flip what Candy thinks.

    I haven't given up on justice for JBR. I just don't think it will come any time soon. As long as there is a remnant of the current and past Boulderdom establishment in power, there will be no arrest or trial. Perhaps when the new generation takes over and new technology is available, there will be a resolution to the case. However, there is no guarantee there will be any living perp to prosecute at that time.

    If I am wrong, I will be very happy. In fact, I hope I am wrong.
  14. BobC

    BobC Poster of the EON - Fabulous Inimitable Transcript

    That's what bugs me too Fedora. And the "How dare you focus on us" routine got old six years ago. The arrogance is unbelievable.
  15. RiverRat

    RiverRat FFJ Sr. Member Extraordinaire (Pictured at Lef

    She's been ours, WY

    You must have missed it. You have to pay attention...

    Now, no more time away for you or else we will have to send Darnay over to your house.

  16. BobC

    BobC Poster of the EON - Fabulous Inimitable Transcript


    Shawn just said he watched a special last night on the JBR case, starring Lou Smit. He said Smit did a good job of making them sound innocent. I was like yeah if nobody's there to debate his points. I give up.
  17. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    ah ha!!!

    she said as she rubbed her hands together, the eagle has finally landed. I hope it dropped a huge turd on the Nazi's head as it flew overhead. I knew we'd get her, RR, hahahahahahaha.

    I've got a lot to catch up on. I love it when a plan comes together.
  18. AK

    AK Member

    I tried, I really did...

    She is just so Sept. 10th!!!

    I think she's mad that I corrected her, but her error was on CS for days and she didn't fix it. I had to mention it twice -- was I supposed to hire a skywriter?

    Now that I've got her attention, did she answer my questions about Darnay? Those are some terrible implications left stinking up the room. Someone should get out the disinfectant and clear the air.
  19. RiverRat

    RiverRat FFJ Sr. Member Extraordinaire (Pictured at Lef

    Yes, she's awake

    Seems to have a problem with a globe. That's too bad. I love mine, all round and shiny, showing me far off lands.

  20. Watching You

    Watching You Superior Bee Admin

    I love mine, too, RR

    it spins on its axis, sort of like her, hahahaha.

    Globes are wonderful things - some are three-dimensional, some are large, some are small, some are in-between. Globes have been around forever. I think Globes are neat. All universities have Globes. I just don't understand the controversy over the Globe.
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