The Red Heart on JB's hand...

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by AMES, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. Moab

    Moab Admin Staff Member

    You are abolutely right AMES it is up to everyone's perception.

    I just did a search on FFJ for Heart + hand and came up with 5 pages of threads where it is discussed here and 4 pages over at WS. You may want to read through those and see what others have said. Maybe someone else has said it looks like a smiley face too...I haven't read one that has, at least that I remember.

    I don't see a top to a circle that usually depicts smiley faces. I do know what kind you are talking about though, at least I think I do, and it is just the smile with a line at each corner of the mouth, correct?

    I didn't see the tracing over the heart for years after I felt when looking at the picture it was a heart.
  2. AMES

    AMES Member

    Nah, the circle isn't there at all....have you ever seen one with just eyes and a mouth?? Sort of like this .... (= or C= (Only right side up, and not sideways...LOL) Not all smiley faces have the circle...they can be drawn either way. Go back and look at the ORIGINAL photo..not one that has been edited....there are two dark lines, that look like eyes at the top (nearest her fingers)...and then a big C....for the mouth...and each end of the "mouth" almost touches the "eyes". I wish that I could draw it for you....but, its hard to do on a computer...gosh darn it. If she held her palm straight would look sort of like this....

    l l

    I said SORT OF....LOL....kind of hard to do using a computer keyboard. The mouth, of course is wider and longer, almost touching the eyes. looks more like a smiley face than a me. I guess that it really doesn't matter....because...IMO....whether a heart, or a smiley intruder didn't draw it.
  3. The Punisher

    The Punisher Member

    This might not seem to fit in here, but has anyone besides me kept up on this Chris Benoit thing? He's the pro wrestler who killed his wife and son before hanging himself.

    Now, follow me here. A lot of people who knew him think he killed his boy to put him out of his misery.

    Well, perhaps this is the elusive motive we've searched for in JB's case. I mean, in times of war, it is not uncommon for parents to kill their own children rather than risk their capture by an enemy. Well, could we not say, by some metaphorical license, that Patsy was in a war with cancer? Indeed, did she not say that JB was better off dead because she could not get it now? There were a combination of factors tipping her mental balance. Perhaps it tilted the wrong way?
  4. tylin

    tylin Banned

    Punisher I've been following the Benoit family deaths. Your suggestion that Patsy may have killed her daughter in order to 'save her' is just as likely as any other sane theory. People do and say strange things when they're ill. When I was a child, one of my aunts was always sick with something. She couldn't stand being sick and away from her husband and child though. I clearly remember her saying that if she ever got a deadly disease, she hoped she, her husband and her child died together.

    What a freaky and selfish way to think. Maybe Patsy was freaky in that way too.
  5. The Punisher

    The Punisher Member

    That's the whole problem.
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