Tom Bennett speaks out!

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by RiverRat, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. BobC

    BobC Poster of the EON - Fabulous Inimitable Transcript

    Well after 8 years of dealing with the Jamesons and the Maims of the world, I'd be a little cranky too. I know that some of the officers in the BPD wish they'd never heard the name Ramsey and resent the fact that their PD will be forever linked to that case, and not in a good way. They have lots of other resonsibilities other than the Ramsey case, but it's like a tarbaby.
  2. LurkerXIV

    LurkerXIV Moderator

    We Need Some Standup Citizens in Boulder

    Where is J.T. Colfax when you need him? :justice:
  3. Show Me

    Show Me FFJ Senior Member

    So Tom speaks out...........let the backlash begin.

    Keenan put more effort into getting her Huge raise than in doing anything for JonBenet. But that's the caliber of woman she is....self serving.
  4. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    I was thinking that the RST have been noticeable by their silence ... :uk:
  5. Freebird

    Freebird Active Member

    On the phone...?
  6. Show Me

    Show Me FFJ Senior Member

    Hopefully not in jail.....nah not Colfax.

    Jayelles.....We need Henry Lee and others to speak the truth and not the Rams Fantasy version.
  7. Deja Nu

    Deja Nu Banned

    Actually, considering his criminal history, if he's smart he's long gone from Boulder before the swarthy swabbers come pounding down his door with their Q-tips. :spit:
  8. Elle

    Elle Member

    Yes, Tricia, I remember you talking about this before, and you spoke very highly of Tom Bennett, this is why I don't think his "mental" comments were meant for you and FFJ. I think you're right. these other people are afraid to make any comments. Sometimes we do take a beating from a few unmentionables not worth talking about. They're all "old hat."

    Don't let this get you down, Tricia. You're too strong to let this happen. I personally think you're one of the finest young women I've ever come across in my travels, with all you have done for the "Justice for JonBenét." I wish you all the best for a very Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2005.

  9. Jayelles

    Jayelles Alert Viewer in Scotland

    Bennett speaking out

    Since they took over the case, the BDA have had a "no comment" policy about the case. What pressure was the catalyst for Tom Bennett to break his silence?

    Two years ago, the Ramseys scored a "victory" when Mary Keenan took the case from the BPD and since then, we've been fed Ramsey spin only - because the DA has a strict "no comment" policy. I think it would be safe to say that the Ramseys did NOT expect Tom Bennett to make a statement this week after the 48 Hours Tracey misinfomentary. For the last two years, there has been a TeamRamsey monopoly on providing case information. They have successfully silenced the naysayers through litigation and now THEY were controlling things. They have been stating, unchallenged that they are "cleared", that the DNA belongs to the killer, that the fingernail DNA "matches" the panty DNA, that Mr X is the "prime suspect" ... etc. Now I think Bennett, the man in charge of the investigation must have decided "Enough!" Just a few days before an important motion in the Fox case, Tom Bennett broke his silence to set the record straight. The foreign DNA is so miniscule that it IS consistent with a cough or a sneeze and therefore MAY NOT be from the killer. Also, despite TeamRamsey claims to the contrary, there has been NO breakthrough in the case (and the Ramseys are still not cleared as suspects).

    Yesterday, I watched for a response from the RST and when I went to bed last night, there was still none. This morning there are a few comments.

    Toth - refuses to believe that even a microscopic piece of DNA can possibly be innocent - if it is on the underwear of a murder victim. He says Tom Bennett is "too good" to believe the cough or sneeze theory.

    jameson's response is to say that "Tom Bennett doesn't seem dedicated to this fight for justice. " and to point out that he doesn't work on the case full-time - a clear attempt to discredit the man in charge of the Ramsey investigation when his one and only comment doesn't support the Ramsey spin. Or perhaps she is upset at his derogatory comments about "mentally unstable" persons who are obsessed with the case and who call him up to ten times a day! I think jameson is not only obsessed with the Ramsey case, she is also obsessed with the "BORG". On this point, I will re-iterate that her many "BORG" threads with their unnamed, unsourced, unlinked quotes emphasise the (low) credibility level of her forum.. I refuse to read them.

    Until yesterday, the RSt have fallen over themselves to praise the new investigation which would focus on an intruder. Alas, the RST seem to have pushed this an inch too far in their false proclaimations of having the killer's full DNA profile and that the fingernail DNA "matches" the panty DNA. If this were truly the case, I think the Ramseys would have been cleared without a doubt.

    OK so how could a miniscule piece of fragmented DNA get into her panties? A factory worker? A toilet seat? The seat of her new bicycle? The FACT is that we are covered in foreign DNA from daily contact with other people, coughs, sneezes, skin cells. The RST might not like it but I'd be willing to place money on a bet that says that if the foreign DNA WAS from a Ramsey, then they'd been falling over themselves to offer coughs and sneezes as a valid explanation ;-)
  10. Sabrina

    Sabrina Member

    There is really nothing they can say except trying to twist Bennett's words around. He disputed that the DNA was "left by the killer", he reiterated what we have known for years- it is minute, degraded and may not be relevant.

    Bennett may have decided to speak because of the fraud that 48 Hours blizted into the media. I thought it interesting that 48 Hours didn't even bother to check with his office before producing this show. Just goes to show
    how "impeccible" Erin M's "sources" are.

    I am sure it reached a point that Bennett was compelled to break his silence and give this interview to set the record straight. Just like when Paul Pingst told the public that Westerfield was negotiating a plea bargain- he had had enough of hearing the lies.

    In my opinion, there are individuals that should be investigated for conflict of interest and I would question as to how Michael Helgoth's crime scene photos got into the hands of the fraudulant professor who produced a fraudulant documentary. (by the way- he no longer writes his column for the Rocky Mountain News) who in turn sold them to the National Enquirer and 48 Hours.

    There is only one person who would call Tom Bennett 10 times in one day, and I think we all know who that is.

    The ironic thing is John Ramsey praised Mary Keenan and her investigation just hours before this article broke.
  11. EasyWriter

    EasyWriter FFJ Senior Member

  12. Nehemiah

    Nehemiah Member

    Very thought-provoking, EW.

    My question is "why"?
  13. EasyWriter

    EasyWriter FFJ Senior Member

    I keep asking the same question over and over again. I have some answers about this or that, but can't shake the feeling that I'm missing something. Maybe tomorrow? :)
  14. Cherokee

    Cherokee FFJ Senior Member

    What makes me angry is that NONE of this was trumpeted on NATIONAL news ... not one headline about it yesterday or today. And of course, CBS isn't going to do a follow-up, and blast the airwaves with Tom Bennett's statement. Oh no. They'll just leave their crock full of falsehoods out there with no rebuttal.

    It's a black day for American journalism. Whatever happened to honest, thoughtful and comprehensive reporting? Don't tell me. I know. Ratings and the almighty dollar that accompanies them.

    Is there no one who will print the truth?
  15. Elle

    Elle Member

    Great posts Jayelles and EW. I must admit I wondered about Tom Bennett making the DNA statement, because you did state before you thought he was part of the RST, and if so, I'm thinking they can't be too happy with him. However, as Jayelles' stated, he may have had enough of the RST.

    I'm hoping it will be the Ramsey's downfall. It's about time something happened to draw attention to all the lies that have been told.

    I think this is the first time, if Bennett is indeed a member of the Ramsey Team (?).
  16. Elle

    Elle Member

    Well said Cherokee. I'm angry about this too!

    Where have you been? Missed your great posts.
  17. Tricia

    Tricia Administrator Staff Member

    You are the sole beneficiary of my Will.
  18. Tricia

    Tricia Administrator Staff Member

  19. EasyWriter

    EasyWriter FFJ Senior Member

    This is an expansion of my earlier response.

    Nehemiah, when you ask why, you’re heading toward the heart of the matter.
    Let’s look at the situation and explore some options and actions
    and the whys that are outstanding.

    The whole thing pivots around law enforcement. The law
    enforcement in this instance is the DA’s office. Notwithstanding
    arbitrary labels and arbitrary claims, the essence of ownership
    is control. On this premise, all the evidence shows that Lin Wood
    owns Mary Keenan, hence, controls the “investigation†of the
    Ramsey case. When Wood says jump, Keenan's only response is, “How

    Taking over the case to avoid a lawsuit could be seen as purely a
    political move to save the taxpayers money which would be spent
    in litigation. If so, that would have been a resentful
    capitulation. That’s not what we see. We see Mary Keenan as the
    literal puppet of Lin Wood. This is the big why?

    If saving taxpayer money was the motive, then the farcical
    investigation looking for a ghost intruder would have ended long
    ago. It didn’t. She chose to keep on wasting taxpayer money on
    the direct or indirect orders of Lin Wood.

    This brings up the question as to what Lin Wood can do to bring
    Keenan grief if she doesn’t cooperate. Whatever it is, it must be
    quite serious; at least in the mind of Keenan.

    Let’s now look at the personality and psychology of Keenan and
    see it this could be playing a large part. Keenan is a follower.
    She has little self confidence. She is easily manipulated and
    prefers to ride coattails as opposed to independent thought and
    action. Her initial jump on the Carnes’ ruling is just one
    example of this. This validated by “authority†her Wood-decreed
    position of intruder cause.

    The no self confidence also ties in via another aspect. She
    simply fears going up against anyone in a legal encounter;
    especially, someone she sees as much the superior in intellect
    and legal knowhow. The propaganda and public show of “Ramsey
    innocenceâ€, including the many lawsuits, left her with the
    impression that she was outmatched in any confrontation with
    Wood, hence, folded.

    Conveniently, along came the Carnes’ ruling. She jumped on this
    with an emotional zeal which said, “Thank goodness, this take me
    off the hook! I will just go with authoritative decree and not
    have to make any arguments.†Unfortunately, for Mary, it was not
    that simple. She may have initially believed there was an
    intruder. However, upon looking at the evidence she came to the
    opposite conclusion. (See DailyCamera, May 25, 2003)

    The problem was (and is) she was already committed to Wood and
    the intruder theory. This put her between a rock and a hard
    place. Commitment to one side with knowledge of the other makes
    if very difficult to argue on the side of known fallacy. She
    didn’t even try. In a very reserved manner, by at least two
    newspaper accounts, Keenan said the Ramseys were not exempt from
    investigation. This is typical of political SYA fence straddling.

    Wood frequently and publicly expressed and\or implied that the
    Ramseys had been removed as suspects. Keenan’s denial of removal
    of the Ramseys from the suspect list prompts a lot of probing
    questions. A primary is what investigation of the Ramseys is
    being done? This question was quickly relegated to out of sight
    and out of mind with the catch-all phrase of following leads
    implying leads in the intruder theory. To evade questions about
    investigating the Ramseys and questions about following leads
    otherwise came the cop out of ongoing investigation and needed
    confidentiality. She was left to admit earlier error and the
    bowing to Wood, or continue with the pretense. She chose to
    continue with the pretense since not to do so would raise a lot
    of questions about capitulating to Wood in the first place.

    That Keenan is a Wood\Ramsey puppet (which John cozily calls by
    her first name) is not in evidentiary doubt. It’s only some of
    the whys that remain to be answered.

    I am moved to include a personal note: I have been on this planet
    a long time. I know the ins and outs of the money\politic game
    from much up close and personal experience. One of these
    experiences involved a kickback scheme on the state level. One
    fellow went to jail. The other, a former state highway
    commissioner said to me while laughing, “Hell, I got more of that
    money than ‘Frenchy’ did.†(Exact words) “Frenchy†was the one in
    jail. I had no trouble believing him. The $50,000 or so he
    sometimes carried around in cash did not likely come from salary.
    (Yes, I personally saw the wad.)

    I can recount many cons of many types from first hand knowledge.
    I have uncovered numerous scams from the county level to the very
    top of the state level, including Public Service Commission and
    even the State Supreme Court. (Newspaper records verify this
    claim even if not intended to do so.) However, none of them hold
    a candle to the type and scope of the con pulled off by the
    Ramseys and Lin Wood. Elementary and irrefutable evidence of
    Ramsey guilt was brushed aside setting the stage for a con of
    such escalation that it defies the “logic of limitations.†Bit by
    bit, piece by piece, the con eventually encompassed not only
    takeover of law enforcement, but, in effect, virtually controlled
    (and still controls) all of the general mass media as pertains to
    the Ramsey case. It will not be easily undone. Nevertheless, it
    is a house of cards, so we shall see.
  20. Deja Nu

    Deja Nu Banned

    Ok, if we're going to go that deep into this BDA thang, let me put my two cents in.

    In December, 1999, while the case was still in the hands of BPD and the BPD and BDA were at each others' throats, Gov. Owens was hell-bent to appoint a special prosecutor because the GJ failed to bring back a true bill. Lin Wood had just come on board the Ramsey train. Owens issued a press release and darn near named the Ramseys as the killers. JR went beserk and publicly challenged Owens so Owens appointed a special commission full of DAs from all over CO to review the case in its entirety, all the applicable laws to it and advise him if such an appointment would be lucrative.

    Within just a few days after seating this commission, and after JR's challenge to Owens, Owens suddenly issued another press release claiming his commission had done a thorough review and advised him against a special prosecutor. In that statement, Owens now claimed that the BDA and BPD had suddenly kissed and made up and were holding hands singing KumByAh.

    There was the first political domino to fall under pressure from LW and the Ramseys. Within another week, the BPD issued a press release advising that it was turning the entire case over to the BDA to provide the Ramseys the opportunity they claimed they never got to pursue their intruder theory via Lou Smit. Remember, AH by now had entered into a secret agreement with LS to give him the entire case and LS strutted right out the door with it, clearly for the purpose of pursuing his beloved intruder theory.

    Hunter retired (the second domino fell under pressure from LW and the Ramseys), Keenan had just won the election to replace him, and the BPD turned the entire investigation over to BDA. Mary Keenan then spoke publicly that her staff was going to work with Lou Smit, LW and the Ramseys to pursue this intruder theory to its logical end (like it even has a logical beginning) but that her office would no longer be providing public commentary about their efforts. That is, till Judge Carnes' ruling came out and, as EW has already posted, she did a real flip flop in public comments at that time, first in support of the Ramseys, then to clarify that the Ramseys were not exempt from the BDA investigation.

    Since that time, we have all read articles that Tom Bennett, the only detective hired by the BDA to continue the investigation, was then assigned full time to the Kobe Bryant case leaving no one to officially work the Ramsey case. How convenient.

    And over the last 4 years, Lou Smit, Ollie Gray, John St. Augustin, and now Peterson have all fanagled their way back into the investigation to publicly promote one intruder theory after another, ending with the recent 48 Hours expose on their intent to perform "grab and swab" tactics on anyone in Boulder they determine is a viable lead. Civil rights violations abound.

    And the last 4 years has produced nothing more from the BDA than "no comment" except when Keenan gets a wild hair up her nose (and the CU football sexual assault case is further proof of EW's assessment that Keenan is flying on the seat of emotion), and, according to Bennett's statement released today, no active investigation, no credible DNA and no further viable suspects. The third domino has fallen under the pressure from LW, the Ramseys and the incompetence of their own investigators.

    If we were to go back in time to the point where LW entered the Ramsey case picture, and analyze the performance of the BPD, there were no doubt mistakes made in the early days of the investigation that were the source of constant, and probably highly embellished, news reports daily. The City of Boulder's liability was incredibly exposed because of it and that put liability on the state of CO as well. Had the BDA and Owens not fallen, no doubt Woody would have filed a huge lawsuit against the state and city, and to avoid paying millions to suspected perps and further their international humiliation, they shut down not only the investigation but any public commentary on it. IMHO there was really nothing else they could have done at that time. Pursuing a weak defense, risking huge sums paid out to the Ramseys, would further provide legal basis for the Rams to use as "proof" of exhoneration re their criminal culpability in the case. All of this was far too much to risk. The transference of the case and decision not to appoint a special prosecutor at that time not only saved the state and city a huge amount of money but preserved the criminal case for future prosecution.

    Where the travesty in all this lies is with the BDA's investigatory efforts since 1999. They cannot demonstrate any active status on the case by their own staff, now cannot and will not validate Kukla Fran and Ollie's freebie investigation that produced no viable evidence, no credible suspects and only nameless targets for swabbing on the sole basis of a sneeze-drop of foreign DNA that is so degraded it cannot be used to match anyone as CODIS more than proved. Four years, and that's where the case is at.

    Well, the Ramseys have had their 4 years to prove their intruder theory and have failed miserably. And that's why the Fox case is so important. Again, if the case is not dismissed, I anticipate that the subpoenas for all case records will be granted, at least in part, by Judge Figa, which will set the legal foundation for appointment of a special prosecutor on down the road. Fox will be able to do what Owens, BPD and BDA could not do and, in the process of civil litigation, test all the evidence and possibly remove the liability exposure for the state and city.

    The wheels of justice spin so slowly sometimes that it looks as if they aren't moving at all. Many get frustrated in our "instant gratification" society of today when immediate results aren't produced. But justice is a process and not an event. if we hang in there, I do believe we will see the justice we've all worked so hard to get for JonBenet.

    Thanks, EW, for yet another incredible analysis based in fact.
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