JonBenet's summer home

Discussion in 'Justice for JonBenet Discussion - Public Forum' started by Aurora, Jul 27, 2003.

  1. Cassie

    Cassie Member

    Broad, yes

    But by and by the truth.

    It's possible that it's not necessarily the reporter/journalist, but the editor. But, yes, most papers are very liberal and show their biased views in their work.

    I can't remember the last time I read a news article on a controversial subject and wasn't able to figure out the writer's personal view.

    That reminds me, I need to check out Auror's url. later.
  2. "J_R"

    "J_R" Shutter Bug Bee

    Re: Broad, yes

    Color me confused. Your initial statement referred to how "the media screws up everything to fit their stories" but now you appear to be narrowing "the media" down to only those reporter/journalists (or perhaps their editor) who work for "most papers."

    Even narrowing the field, it is still a broad statement and while I agree that some papers certainly give the appearance of having a biased slant I have to disagree that <b>all</b> journalists, reporters or even editors "screw up everything to fit their stories." JMH&CPO

    I have seen "the media" in action when they are needed to get the word out that we have a missing person or fundraisers for SAR organizations and I don't like seeing these people get labeled simply because there may be a few jerks in the field (just like there are in any other profession.)
  3. Cassie

    Cassie Member


    I read about half of it so far. I think this is interesting,

    "I've said I don't think there's anyone too good for this world," McReynolds said at JonBenet's memorial service. "But she was pretty close."

    I've never heard that before! What a weird thing to say. Can be taken like she was too good for this world that he took her out of it. Probably not, but still VERY weird.

    About Burke, did you see a photo of him when he was 9? He was a puny little runt -- no WAY he couldn't have the strength to crack her skull like that.

    Also, not that it's in the story, but does anyone know why Fleet and Pricilla White severed their friendship with the Ramseys? Do they think J or P is guilty? If so, why not speak up to the authorities? Some things I just never got.
  4. Cassie

    Cassie Member


    Please, I pray your lordship...that you humbly forgive my "generalization" by using that 3 letter nasty word "ALL". Of course ALL of anything is exaggerated, but I will venture to say that ALL of us exaggerate from time to time.

    (edited to take out personal comments directed toward a poster)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2003
  5. "J_R"

    "J_R" Shutter Bug Bee


    At Forums for Justice members accept ownership for their words. If we have an issue, we attack the post, we don't flame other members.

    To answer your question, I have never and will never will post on Jameson's forum.
  6. Cassie

    Cassie Member


    Well, damn that post, then.

    Allow me to rephrase -- MOST papers are liberal, twisted, and go for the story rather than the truth. Often the story may be written accurately, but the editor or powers-that-be twist things.

    When I say this, I'm not necessarily thinking of Ramsey case. Look at the media when things happen and they never get reported. For example, a 14 yr old boy is raped and killed by some gay guy (I don't like to use the term gay, because it's misused) but you never see it in the news.

    A gay guy is killed by some white red-neck or whoever and it's all OVER the news. This isn't about gay or not gay -- this is about reporting things as they happen.

    Also, Clinton could do no wrong in the media's written expression. But try to find ONE military person who had respect for him. I don't know of ANY. I'm sure there's ONE but not very many.
  7. "J_R"

    "J_R" Shutter Bug Bee

    OK Cassie

    Now we have something we can agree on. Yes, most newspapers (and in this case you are right "most of the media") do go for the sensational headlines and/or stories because that is what sells and they are in the business of selling papers or grabbing ratings. Sad but true. Some reporters do twist quotes around as well but I would have to disagree that most or all do so.

    A 14 year old (male or female) being abducted or raped and killed by anyone (homosexual or not) most likely will not make the news unless it's a slow news day. Change that to a 6 year old and it will make the local news. Make that a six year old blonde child and it will most likely make the national news. There are people and organizations working to change this but change takes time.

    As for your other scenario, a homosexual man being killed by red necks will make the news because chances are it was a gruesome "kill." That's going to make a sensational headline and probably put some fear into the local citizenry. "It sells." Until <i>we</i> stop buying that isn't going to change.

    Ahhh...don't get me started on Clinton please. :rolleyes:
  8. Tricia

    Tricia Administrator Staff Member

    Ok I am not going to say I liked Clinton...

    Now back to JBR's summer home...

    Where were we?

  9. Cassie

    Cassie Member

    I feel sorry

    for these people who have had children kidnapped or murdered (not just children) and you never even HEAR about their cases in the news. But I guess there's just too much to cover. Too bad.

    In California, they have that Amber Alert now -- loooooooong overdue. Every state should get something like that.
  10. Cassie

    Cassie Member

    Summer Home

    I'd still like to know more about the goings on in that place. Who all stayed there? Everybody and his or her transient brother?

    Maybe I'm not as "social" as the Ramsey family, but even my own mother doesn't have a key to my house.
  11. "J_R"

    "J_R" Shutter Bug Bee

    Re: Summer Home

    I don't know about you but a parent is the last person I would want a "surprise" visit from. ;)

    No one has a key to my home unless I am on vacation. The person house sitting is given their own private code to my alarm, which gets removed the moment I return home. I only have people I trust 100% house sit. Even so, should someone I have trusted make the mistake of having the key duplicated, they will set off my alarm and once they do that they will come face to face with my .38.

    What I don't understand is why the Ramseys have alarms in all their homes yet fail to use them - especially after they have had a child murdered. This is one of the issues that I simply can't resolve in this case.

    Cassie, as for you comment on feeling sorry for people who have children (not just children) kidnapped or murdered...

    Our very own RC states it best, "Every missing (add murdered) person is someone's child."

    Hopefully, the media will figure that out some day.
  12. Pearlsim

    Pearlsim FFJ Senior Member


    That's one of the aspects of the Ramseys that I also find MOST puzzling.

    21 years ago, a young man burst into my parents home with a gun. He threatened to kill my mom but my grandfather (her dad), went beserk with some kind of parental instinct and hauled his elderly body out of a chair while lunging for the guy and the gun.

    Fortunately, the actions of this crazed old man apparently startled the gunman so much he ran from the house. VERY lucky outcome for my mom and grandfather!

    OK...that was 21 years ago. (I never forget the date because it happened just days before I had my first son...and my parents first grandchild. My mom says that's what flashed before her in those panic ridden seconds...that she wasnt' going to live to see her long awaited grandchild.)

    ANYWAY...even though it's been a very long time since that incident, I can honestly say it changed my folks forever. They went from very trusting, West Virginians to almost paranoid extremes of security.

    No more doors unlocked EVER, and a security system that gets used all the time. Just for starters. And no one even got killed in their home!

    I will never comprehend how the Ramseys could supposedly have a stranger come in and kill their baby girl right under their noses and immediately go back to their overly trusting ways. No security system, letting Burke go away from them, Patsy letting strangers come into the Michigan home, writing letters to strangers on the all boggles my mind.

    Kinda like they KNOW there's no threat...outside their own four walls.
  13. "J_R"

    "J_R" Shutter Bug Bee


    I was very trusting until my home was burglarized in Aug. 1996. From that day forward, my alarm has been on 24/7. I can't even comprehend forgetting to set it. It is as routine to me as brushing my teeth.

    I don't buy the Rams story about the kids not knowing how to work the alarm. Certainly kids ages 6 and 9 are smart enough to work 3-4 digits on a keypad when you think about how quickly they learn how to master Gameboys, Nintendo and so on.
  14. Cassie

    Cassie Member


    :eek: Yikes!!

    How horrible for your mom and grandpa. Thank God that everything turned out okay and that he took off!

    Nothing like that has ever happened to me or anyone close to me. I don't have an alarm system company (although there is an alarm) but I would never think of leaving the doors unlocked/unbolted.

    Nothing has ever happened around here, but then that's probably what your mom said.

    It breaks my heart when I hear of missing kids taken from their home and it often seems like it's in some podunk town in one of those states like Kentucky or West Virginia or somewhere where folks feel safe. It kills me to read where the victim says "we never have to lock our doors way out here, or around here, or in this neighborhood, or in this town" that's just plain stupid. Crazy molesters and robbers, etc, can go into any little town they want -- there's nothing keeping them out -- except locked doors!!!!!!!
  15. AK

    AK Member


    With all due respect, we have a healthy archive here where you can familiarize yourself with this case. You seem to be laboring under some unfair misconceptions.

    Yours in accuracy!
  16. Aurora

    Aurora Member


    Did things become clearer to you once you finished that article? I tend to agree with Steve Thomas.... Patsy is GOOD for it !!!

    Ok...back to the summer house in Charlevoix .... Here is what JB's bedroom looked like....

    I think I lost some of you on this tour...*LOL*
  17. Cassie

    Cassie Member

    Fidora and Aurora

    Fidora, if you would kindly give me an example, I'd be happy to look it up.

    Aurora, I haven't finished it yet, but it seemed pretty unbiased.

    Now here's where everyone is going to totally get :(:(:(:(ed off at me, I think, but like someone said earlier, we attack the post, not the poster...(we'll see if it works both ways here).

    Eh-hem. About Steve Thomas...Now keep in mind that I'm coming from an angle related to my working around law enforcement...

    Steve Thomas should NEVER have been put in charge of that case. NEVER!! I'm sure he had good intentions, but he HAD zero experience handling a homocide case. He did not, in my opinion, come at it as a professionally trained officer/detective would have -- specifically, he didn't let the evidence lead him to his conclusion. If he thinks Patsy is good for it, that's fine, but I have NEVER seen what brought him to that conclusion. He mentioned her bedwetting, but I happen to know (a friend's hubby used to work on the BPD) that the bed was NOT found wet that day.

    If Patsy did it, then she should hang, but I have just never been totally convinced that either one of them did it. Of course, I have no idea who did, but it's such a big mess now, that I don't know if they ever will know who did it.

    Does anyone here think that this will ever come to trial? No matter WHO the accused is?:-(
  18. AK

    AK Member


    I believe there will be a trial, and that the proper person or persons will be convicted. People who continue to work on the case share that opinion.

    I don't believe anyone should "hang for it." I'm against capital punishment and it's not appropriate for this case.

    Steve Thomas was a fine and dedicated detective who wanted this case solved.

    There was urine on the sheets.
  19. "J_R"

    "J_R" Shutter Bug Bee


    We will have to agree to disagree that Steve Thomas should never have been assigned to this case. IMHO FedX stated it well, "he was a fine and dedicated detective who wanted this case solved."

    I don't necessarily agree with Steve's theory on the bed wetting scenario but then we are not privy to all of the evidence that led him to draw that conclusion. It is always easy to second guess someone when one doesn't have all the facts.

    I to believe there will be a trial someday but not as long as Hunter's protégé's are running the DA's office. JMH&CPO.
  20. Cassie

    Cassie Member

    My Hope

    is that it come to trial some day...

    I just think that it should have been assigned to someone higher than him or with more experience (any experience) in investigating a murder.
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